forum Personal Venting Chat, New and Improved! (Without Jerks)
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@Sleep-deprived-and-Stupid group

smol rant because I miss her…

she was my player 2, my everything… I still have her perfume and I can't be in my room without thinking about her… it was over a year ago, but I still remember when she would have to leave and I'd have to sleep in a room that smelled like her. I remember when we fell asleep together after watching stupid vines and we would kiss in between each one before we left the vines out entirely… I remember when we would talk for hours when we were supposed to go to sleep and then fall asleep on the phone…

@saor_illust school

i'm sorry, wish i could help you xander-

on the other hand i'm panicking because i have to get an assignment done within the next… let's see, two hours and twelve minutes

why is this so hard?? like, why do i need to know what key a piece is in instantly??


Aight, Welcome to knowing key signatures 101, I am your teacher Relsey thank you for attending today's lesson. This lesson is entirely dependent on the bias that flat's are better then sharps because going down hill is better then going up hill, also flats are just better. First the circle of fourths and fifths, Four comes before five so we know it's talking about flats because flat's come first because they're better. so starting at C count four notes, that's F, so the key of F has One flat. count four more starting at F and you get B, but we're talking about flat's here so it's actually Bb. the Key of Bb is second so it has two flats in it. Do this 6 times and you have the 6 Flat major scales.
Now if you're dealing with Sharps, Do the same thing but count to five starting with C, first you'll get G, so the Key of G has one sharp, do it 6 times and boom the 6 sharp scales. Put the two together on a circle and you have the circle of fourths and fifths

Next thing you need to know is the order of sharps and flats, that's easy enough to memories, Battle Ends And Down Goes Charles Father, that's the order of Flats, reverse it and it's the order of sharps. so the order of flats is Bb Eb Ab Db Gb Cb Fb, now go back to your circle, the key of F has one flat, the first flat is Bb, so the the Key of F has a Bb. Next is Bb, the Key of Bb has two flats, the first two flats are Bb and Eb, so the Key of Bb has a Bb and an Eb.
For sharps it's the same deal but remember the order of flat's is reverced to be F# C# G# D# A# E# B#. So the Key of G has one sharp, the first sharp is F#, so the Key of G has one F#.
Boom, Music theory.
This concludes Today's Lesson, on Key signatures.


I have a really crappy Band Director who loves to over complicate music, so I learned my way around some music theory stuff to prove him wrong, because it's not hard, People like him just like to make it hard so they can feel better about themselves. I definitely don't have an authority problem…. definitely not. But in all seriousness it makes me sad, Music is an amazing thing, when the study of it is over complicated it scares people away. If we want music programs to be more popular and get more funds, they need to stop over complicating the field. That's the end of my rant.

Deleted user

I'm failing my fucking online classes and I want to die

Are you failing due to a lack of understanding? Or are you failing due to a lack of doing?

Mostly understanding.
Physical work is easier for me in math because I can work out problems on the same page as the question, but the subjects I am good at doing online, the teachers don't care.

@Anemone eco

Ah okay. I hope that you can find a way to work things out with your teachers and find an easier way to do your work. Not understanding a subject is indeed not fun and very frustrating, but you can push through it. I believe in you. :)

Deleted user

Yeah, at least I don't have to deal with my sensory disorder and issues while online!
I can always take a simple break and catch up at a later time :)
The classes still suck tho :(

@Pickles group

I'm failing my fucking online classes and I want to die

Are you failing due to a lack of understanding? Or are you failing due to a lack of doing?

Mostly understanding.
Physical work is easier for me in math because I can work out problems on the same page as the question, but the subjects I am good at doing online, the teachers don't care.

Print out worksheets or write the problem put before you start solving it. Also Khan Academy is great for getting a basic understanding. Sal is the best and I love him dearly

@Althalosian-is-the-father book

If you feel the mood (and there isn't a good reason for you not to) then go right ahead while the energy is there. Doing stuff like that is the only reason my stuff ever actually gets sorted.