forum Personal Venting Chat, New and Improved! (Without Jerks)
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@Pickles group

I'm in the mood to reorganize my shelf and a half bookshelves. But I'm also really lazy

Do it! I'm gonna redo mine at some point.

Weren't you supposed to send us a picture

@HighPockets group

I'm in the mood to reorganize my shelf and a half bookshelves. But I'm also really lazy

Do it! I'm gonna redo mine at some point.

Weren't you supposed to send us a picture

Yeah but I forgot to redo them. I need to read more books first

Deleted user

I'm in the mood to reorganize my shelf and a half bookshelves. But I'm also really lazy

I'm in the mood to reorganize my altar. But I'm also really lazy.


So a few hours ago My English teacher posted the assignments for this week, There are four Assignments with difficulty level's ranging from easy to medium due on Friday. Now let me explain how I do difficulty with this class, all of the assignment's are relatively easy to do in theory, however she likes to take an assignment that is doable in two sentences, a paragraph at most, and ask for a one page response, it's ridiculous. Any way those four assignments aren't bad, three of them are on "A Modest Proposal" and if you don't know what that is, it is a brilliant paper, such a good strategy, Also Ireland, so it wont be to bad. and thr fourth one is answering a bunch of questions, also not that bad. We have all week to do them, each one will take an hour and a half to two hours, not that bad, reasonable. No, this Teacher doesn't stop at the reasonable oh no, that's not the way she works. She posted an assignment, due tomorrow, not just any assignment a summery. Now you may be thinking, what's the big deal summery's are really easy. You see, I don't think this teacher understand's what a summary is. It's meant to be short and to the point, it's not an analysis it's a summery. She want's a 1,000 word summary, by tomorrow night. Surely one must think that the only explanation is that she want's a summary of a novel or novella of some sort, but oh no. She want's a summary of, wait for it…. A summary and background information of a novel, complete with quotations from the text. Number one, how am I supposed to write a summary of something made primarily out of useless information, that's 4-5 pages long? Number two, Summary's don't have quotations in them, that defeats the purpose. The point of a summary is to take the important information and put it into your own words, so that someone else could read it and get the general Idea. Every thing about this assignment is absolute garbage and it upsets me. There's no point in summarizing a summary, there is no reason for a summary to be 1,000 words long if the source material is short to begin with, It's Idiotic, pointless and a complete waste of my time. The document is 15 pages long, how am I supposed to make a 4 page summary of that. Also why 1,000 words?! I know I can do that in one day because NaNoWriMo has prepared me for this, but a lot of people can't, that's insane.


Under normal circumstances yes, but that's only if there is useful information in half of this. The paper she wants us to summarize is filled with repetition, it's like reading an essay by a high school student just trying to reach the word count. There's not enough information there.

@Pickles group

Post a pic?

We're going to ignore that it's sideways and that there's other stuff because my shelves are on my dresser. I ran out of space for all my read books, so there's two on top and the others are some of my unread books
I really need more books

Deleted user

Slams head down on desk multiple times
I gotta make a world impact for my class, but I can't go outside
I tried to sew some masks, but I only handsew so that shit is bad

Deleted user

Watching a paranormal documentary. I'll link it if it's good, since last time y'all seemed interested <3

@HighPockets group

Post a pic?

We're going to ignore that it's sideways and that there's other stuff because my shelves are on my dresser. I ran out of space for all my read books, so there's two on top and the others are some of my unread books
I really need more books


Deleted user

I'm like, sitting here stock still, because I was sewing, and the needles are sharp, and I want to peirce my ears. badly