forum Personal Venting Chat, New and Improved! (Without Jerks)
Started by Deleted user
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@Anemone eco

But why was your hand that, one, is your dominant hand, and two, you'll more than likely need for later endeavours?

Deleted user

take them the fuck off???? You'll loose circulation and that is super, super dangerous.

@Anemone eco

If it's too tight, let your mom take it off. Why cut off the circulation to your hand? Besides, you could just ask your mom to get you toy handcuffs at your local store (whatever one that is still open). It's better than zip-tie handcuffs.

Deleted user

I'm blasting Eminem through my headphones and organizing my {witch} altar while my mom and brother watch a church service and pray.

This… Is my life.

Deleted user

I'm blasting Eminem through my headphones and organizing my {witch} altar while my mom and brother watch a church service and pray.

This… Is my life.

Imagine a church service and all of a sudden you hear Real Slim Shady BLASTING in the church. Everyone stops and looks confused. A dog barks somewhere.

@Sleep-deprived-and-Stupid group

…do snakes wag their tails?

Xander here is asking the real questions.
Well, yes, but actually no.
They do. But not at all like dogs. It's more like casual happenstance based on their body shapes.

What about turtles?? :D

Deleted user

I'm blasting Eminem through my headphones and organizing my {witch} altar while my mom and brother watch a church service and pray.

This… Is my life.

Imagine a church service and all of a sudden you hear Real Slim Shady BLASTING in the church. Everyone stops and looks confused. A dog barks somewhere.

"We are gathered here today–"

Deleted user

I'm blasting Eminem through my headphones and organizing my {witch} altar while my mom and brother watch a church service and pray.

This… Is my life.

Imagine a church service and all of a sudden you hear Real Slim Shady BLASTING in the church. Everyone stops and looks confused. A dog barks somewhere.

"We are gathered here today–"

Cue screaming from the stereotypical white Karens who participate in church bake sales and are wholesome Christian women.

Deleted user

okay…so…i get that i hurt nia…and im sorry…knowing how we both are…i wasn't trying to hurt them…..they wanted to know how i was feeling…….im sorry @philosophicalmess ……im so so sorry……..i just wish i was better minded and knew how to help someone better…….that's how i keep messing up with relationships…


Cue the person blasting Eminem being escorted out of the church for being a public disturbance towards perfectly reasonable people just trying to worship in peace

Deleted user

Cue the person blasting Eminem being escorted out of the church for being a public disturbance towards perfectly reasonable people just trying to worship in peace

And the stereotypical basic white Karens rejoice


And the blind man who puts himself in danger to walk to church each day
And the half white half Hispanic family who lost their son a few months back and are using religion to cope
And the 93-year-old great grandma in a wheelchair
They all rejoice

Deleted user

I burst into the church, blasting a second Eminem song. The children scream. Who is this blue-haired maiden donning all black and blessing our ears with the words of Marshall Mathers?

Deleted user

And the blind man who puts himself in danger to walk to church each day
And the half white half Hispanic family who lost their son a few months back and are using religion to cope
And the 93-year-old great grandma in a wheelchair
They all rejoice

All of the people in the church, including the priest, the other clergy, the old man who everyone thought never talked, the humans who exist… all of them.


The newlywed couple is visibly ticked. How could someone be this disrespectful of people just trying to live their lives?
They contact the authorities. Punishment depends on the state, but causing such disturbances during a religious service can lend you up to a year in prison.
Regardless of that though, it’s safe to say that the edgy teenager who thinks they’re above religion will not be getting those 5 dollar bills in their Christmas cards for a while.

Deleted user

We enjoy our prison stay. the fellow inmates love us for our knowledge of Eminem. We escape and infiltrate oncemore, this time blasting Rap God.

Deleted user

such a shame that the angelic voice of the choir in the back had to be interrupted by some mainstream rapper

Perhaps, except for Eminem is far from mainstream. There have been literal protests against Eminem because what he does is so different. Honestly, calling him mainstream is just stupid, because it's so untrue.