forum Personal Venting Chat, New and Improved! (Without Jerks)
Started by Deleted user
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people_alt 126 followers

Deleted user

i got sent my diagnosis' the other day,,, so i am diagnosed (mostly) now… but i shouldn't have to say that because I shouldn't have to justify jackshit !

Deleted user

I've never shamed anyone for any of those things.

I've gotten upset with people for claiming they have this and that without a diagnosis.

Deleted user

in other news, someone is currently dming me about the trans visibility thing I posted on my story in honor of my trans friend and saying being trans doesn't exist, I'm on the verge of a panic attack, and
I haven't been eating much lately
And it's starting to show
and it's like
who could love this?
who could love someone who can't even eat like a normal person!

Deleted user

how the fuck do you respond to someone who says "how can you grow a penis? That's not science or biology"

Deleted user

That's not how being Trans works but ok, go off

^^ like that

@StarryWolfy flash_onCrazy Procrastinator

I've never shamed anyone for any of those things.

I've gotten upset with people for claiming they have this and that without a diagnosis.

Just gonna point out that just because you don't have a diagnosis doesn't mean you don't have it. And sometimes with things like anxiety and depression that can be really really scary to even suspect the diagnosis. Especially if you have no idea what your support system would be like if you announced it.
I speak partially from experience since a few months ago I had some issues and started doing research on depression… I have no diagnosis and I haven't told anyone IRL, but even the thought that what I was dealing with could be some form of depression was scary, really scary. I haven't had anything that bad since, so I don't know if my suspicions were correct or not, but it was the suspicions that really had me out of wack for weeks.

Deleted user

That's not how being Trans works but ok, go off

^^ like that

I used this, thank you lmao
now he's not responding

Deleted user

I've never shamed anyone for any of those things.

I've gotten upset with people for claiming they have this and that without a diagnosis.

Just gonna point out that just because you don't have a diagnosis doesn't mean you don't have it. And sometimes with things like anxiety and depression that can be really really scary to even suspect the diagnosis.

Of course. But there's a difference between "I'm showing symptoms of" and "I have." A big difference.

Especially if you have no idea what your support system would be like if you announced it.
I speak partially from experience since a few months ago I had some issues and started doing research on depression… I have no diagnosis and I haven't told anyone IRL, but even the thought that what I was dealing with could be some form of depression was scary, really scary. I haven't had anything that bad since, so I don't know if my suspicions were correct or not, but it was the suspicions that really had me out of wack for weeks.

That's when you should see a professional. And, you know, maybe get diagnosed.


There won't be a fight. There's nothing to fight about.

Some people, myself included, disagree with what Ella said.

Some people don't.

It's that simple.

Disagree with what? That you shouldn't harass people just cause they aren't diagnosed?

I'm going to clarify, i don't at all think self-diagnosing is the same as a regular diagnosis, nor do i think people should go around claiming they have [insert disorder] just because they took a buzzfeed quiz or some shit, but i also acknowledge that not everyone has a couple thousand dollars they can throw away, all for a few pieces of paper to validate their vents on a fucking writing site.

how do i explain it…
for example, if someone is showing symptoms of gender dysphoria and asks you to use different pronouns, they shouldn't be yelled at for not having a diagnosis. they should be referred to with said pronouns and respected, and if it turns out they were wrong, you shouldn't hold anything against them.
like we did with you during the leo phase.

@Pickles group

My parents tell me to "grow up" every time I show a sign that everything's not perfectly okay in my brain and I can't exactly go to a professional on my own. Edit: and I'm fairly certain that I'm mostly fine, but I know a lot of parents who don't give half a shit what symptoms their child is showing and insist that they're just immature and can be fixed with their hugs or whatever

Deleted user

There won't be a fight. There's nothing to fight about.

Some people, myself included, disagree with what Ella said.

Some people don't.

It's that simple.

Disagree with what? That you shouldn't harass people just cause they aren't diagnosed?

No, that you shouldn't claim to have something without a diagnosis.

I'm going to clarify, i don't at all think self-diagnosing is the same as a regular diagnosis, nor do i think people should go around claiming they have [insert disorder] just because they took a buzzfeed quiz or some shit,

Kinda my exact point here

but i also acknowledge that not everyone has a couple thousand dollars they can throw away, all for a few pieces of paper to validate their vents on a fucking writing site.

how do i explain it…
for example, if someone is showing symptoms of gender dysphoria and asks you to use different pronouns, they shouldn't be yelled at for not having a diagnosis. they should be referred to with said pronouns and respected, and if it turns out they were wrong, you shouldn't hold anything against them.

First off, gender dysphoria is not a medical condition. And being trans is not a mental illness.

like we did with you during the leo phase.

Do you mean… When I was wrongfully diagnosed… With a personality disorder????

Deleted user

hey ! leave ella out of it ! and everyone else ! I'm the one who brought it up so if you're gonna pick a bone with anyone it's going to be me !

Deleted user

My parents tell me to "grow up" every time I show a sign that everything's not perfectly okay in my brain and I can't exactly go to a professional on my own

^^^^!!!! Me too!

Use resources, like trusted adults or school counselors.

@StarryWolfy flash_onCrazy Procrastinator

Especially if you have no idea what your support system would be like if you announced it.
I speak partially from experience since a few months ago of I had some issues and started doing research on depression… I have no diagnosis and I haven't told anyone IRL, but even the thought that what I was dealing with could be some form of depression was scary, really scary. I haven't had anything that bad since, so I don't know if my suspicions were correct or not, but it was the suspicions that really had me out of wack for weeks.

That's when you should see a professional. And, you know, maybe get diagnosed.

To be blunt, yes. I know I should probably see a professional. And I have a few other reasons as to why a therapist would be a great idea.
But at the same time, I Have shown my mom a document full of tearfully written venting on a private google doc, some of the content if which was a little more than just depression related.
During the ensuing conversation, I basically got told that this was normal. I got asked a couple of questions about specific stuff related to bullying incidents, but otherwise, she let me cry, deflected my questions and fears, and left me convinced that she could probably use a therapist just as much as me.
This was towards the downfall of those weeks of self uncertainty, after which I basically resorted to the mottos of "fake it till you make it", and "tomorrow will be better, " and Dory's saying of "just keep swimming"
As far as actually asking to see a therapist, (which I have not done) I probably won't do that, as my mom works her butt off till past midnight regularly to provide for me and my sisters. We aren't exactly poor, but the budget we live on isn't exactly the kind that leaves you with the money to see a therapist, I actually consider myself lucky I can get my prescription for ADHD since I'm 90% sure we live on all the government payments my mom gets for having kids, and the child support we get from mine and my sisters' fathers.

@Sleep-deprived-and-Stupid group

My parents tell me to "grow up" every time I show a sign that everything's not perfectly okay in my brain and I can't exactly go to a professional on my own

^^^^!!!! Me too!

Use resources, like trusted adults or school counselors.

No adults can be trusted, counselors always tell adults. Adults are useless when it comes to this stuff at least the ones around me are

Deleted user

I think she means when you asked us to use they/them pronouns for you and not call you Miriam

Ah. So me experimenting with pronouns and gender is equivalent to someone claiming to have a disorder they quite possibly may not have.

Deleted user

Just real quick about the whole "Diagnosis" spiel you guys have got going on….

While you are more than welcome to vent about your issues, I would suggest refraining from using """"""triggering""""" speech (ie: Im depressed….blah blah blah etc etc etc) because it can be really harmful to those who actually–and constantly–fight against awful symptoms. It's not that it is upsetting, it's that it comes off that you're using it to be quirky and 'special' without understanding how truly debilitating many of these mental disorders/issues can be. Just try to be gentle, if not for the people who are in a constant uphill battle, for yourself. It's not fun to be apart of this club. Some people can't leave their house for days, have to have their parents come and check on them every other day to make sure they are breathing and eating, or have to have daily emails to/with their therapist about how life feels.

I have depression. Fully diagnosed since I was about 13(ish–give or take a year). I never tell people that I feel depressed or sad or down or anything because I know how that makes others feel and it makes me feel as well. Most of the time I say "I'm feeling blue." That lets them all know that Im not exactly okay and need help, but is also gentle on everyone, and brings a spot of color into a bad day.


Thats just an example.


The most frustrating thing is that getting a diagnosis is a battle in of itself. It's a first step in working to make ourselves better and having an obviously atypical person bathering on about how life is so awful really, really steps on all of the hard work that we've put into ourselves. If you suspect you have something, go to a doctor, you have the right to know and work towards healing.

Dont just vent.
Do something about it.


No, that you shouldn't claim to have something without a diagnosis.

which i agree with, and tried to make clear.
…i just also think that people don't have to be diagnosed with depression to say they feel depressed-
sometimes there's no other way to describe your emotions, and making a big deal out of it instead of focusing on the vent itself is not only annoying and unnecessary but can often make things worse.