forum Personal Venting Chat, New and Improved! (Without Jerks)
Started by Deleted user
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Deleted user

who here has harassed someone else on this chat
if you think someone has, look into what harassment actually is

As of right now I feel harassed by you because you cannot seem to understand that for some people a vent on a writing website is their only way to keep from bottling up shit and negativity they don't understand yet!



Also the way you quote people's long vents/explanations and nitpick every little thing feels like harassment

Deleted user

I see
I'm harassing you
By telling you not to claim you have disorders you don't have a diagnosis for
I will not stand for this whole "I'm crying" thing
Trying to guilt me into agreeing with you is wrong, and won't work
so quite frankly, fuck you and your self diagnosis bullshit
both of you, wolfheart and ruby, who clearly has learned how to type without two hundred subs.

Deleted user

okay, calm down mir. as i stated before mine got sent the other day so I'm not making anything up, and still, I don't need to justify that to you !

Deleted user

I think the main point here is that it's not impossible to find real help.
If you feel you really need help–honest to deity your head is gonna explode without it–help, you can find it.

Take a moment off of notebook and google it….but dont just look at the first page. REALLY research.
There are many community outreach programs for teens battling mental health issues, clinics, online therapy sessions….etc.

Can't find it?
Walk into a local police station–or even talk to cop–they know of so many programs that can help.
Nurses, librarians, art teachers, YMCA/YWCA…

If you really look for it, you'll find it.

@StarryWolfy flash_onCrazy Procrastinator

I see
I'm harassing you
By telling you not to claim you have disorders you don't have a diagnosis for
I will not stand for this whole "I'm crying" thing
Trying to guilt me into agreeing with you is wrong, and won't work
so quite frankly, fuck you and your self diagnosis bullshit
both of you, wolfheart and ruby, who clearly has learned how to type without two hundred subs.

I know I said I wouldn't reply abain but I will not allow myself to be called a liar.

  • I never ever claimed to have depression.
    *I never ever claimed to have anxiety.
    I never ever claimed to have anything.

I said I think I might.
I said I believe I might.
I said I'm scared I might.
I said I have been led to believe I might.

I also said I had had certain symptoms, or had been through things that could be or are well known causes. One of which being the fact that si am a survivor of an abusive relationship concerning my parents. I even mentioned the police having been involved.
. I am also not trying to guilt-trip you. I can see how it might seem that way but it was not my intent.
My intent was to express my feelings. Nothing more.

@Sleep-deprived-and-Stupid group

I see
I'm harassing you
By telling you not to claim you have disorders you don't have a diagnosis for
I will not stand for this whole "I'm crying" thing
Trying to guilt me into agreeing with you is wrong, and won't work
so quite frankly, fuck you and your self diagnosis bullshit
both of you, wolfheart and ruby, who clearly has learned how to type without two hundred subs.

Okay, out of all the things wrong with this, don't call them Ruby. They've told us their preferred name, and it's only basic human respect to use it.

Deleted user

i apologise for being partially responsible for that-

Deleted user

I see
I'm harassing you
By telling you not to claim you have disorders you don't have a diagnosis for
I will not stand for this whole "I'm crying" thing
Trying to guilt me into agreeing with you is wrong, and won't work
so quite frankly, fuck you and your self diagnosis bullshit
both of you, wolfheart and ruby, who clearly has learned how to type without two hundred subs.

Okay, out of all the things wrong with this, don't call them Ruby. They've told us their preferred name, and it's only basic human respect to use it.

it's fine,,, i don't fucking care anymore. call me a bitch for all i care because i stg-

@Anemone eco

this was originaly suppossed to be a safe non-toxic thred
how fucling ironic

I'm so sorry that all of this happened, Ella…

Deleted user

this was originaly suppossed to be a safe non-toxic thred
how fucling ironic

i am so so sorry ella- i didn't mean for all this to happen-


I tried, I failed, time to go to sleep
But not actually
Sorry bout the shit tho, Ella. Tried my best. Also, y'all can pm me if you're feeling hurt or invalidated. I probably won't be much help since I'm shit at comforting people but I want you to know I'm sorry all this happened


Alright, I know this isn't my job and I know it isn't really my place but what I see here is something I feel very strongly about, and I am going to say a few things concerning the topic. Nothing I say is meant to invalidate anyone, or be harmful. I will do my best to present my view on both sides of this argument with out being offensive. Words have power, an immense amount of power. How we use them is important, especially when it comes to subjects that are delicate and could be triggering or harmful to individuals. That is the Idea I am trying to present.

Depression is very stigmatized and very romanticized. People with Depression live their lives seeing something they struggle with on a day to day basis get treated lightly because Depression is highly romanticized in media. People joke about what they deal with every single day, they have a laugh over something that has damaged, hurt, and scarred them. People with Depression and other similar conditions have a right to be wary when someone claims to have what they do. Look at the media and ask yourself if you can blame them, I know I can't. Depression is a war. People with it are fighting battles, they get hurt, bruised, beaten, because it is a war. And it is a war taken lightly by far to many people. To many people are going to say, oh your just sad, it's normal, or get over it. They have a right to be wary of individuals who claim to have depression with out that mentioned magical piece of paper, that does not give them the right to invalidate those without it.

Having Depression does not mean you can diagnose others with it, and it does not mean you can claim some one else doesn't have it. It can be incredibly difficult to find help because Depression is very romanticized, Adults know that too. It is very very easy to say, you're just sad, to someone with depression if you don't understand it. I'm going to assume the general age group here is 14-18, that means the majority of our parent's were not educated on this topic in school. My parent's Do not understand what Depression is, they can not fathom what it entails they were never taught and it was not until one of their own children was on an ambulance on the way to the hospital that they began learning about it. They had to have it shoved in their face before it was accepted as a real thing that could actually happen to one of their children. School counselors only have as much power as the parent will give them. It is a very sad truth. Getting Diagnosed is an ordeal for some and it is extremely understandable for someone to not want to go through that ordeal, on top of feeling the way that they do.

You can be Depressed and not Have Depression. You can be Depressed and not Have Depression, this is Proven it is real and it is hard. After my nephew died I was Depressed for 6 months, I don't have depression. Every single morning I would wake up and wish I hadn't, for 6 months. I didn't openly talk to people, I felt empty. I was void of feeling, I would dig my nails into my hands and arms just to feel something, anything. I was depressed, But I do not have depression. I will not allow for someone to tell me that I was 'just sad' no I wasn't, I wasn't anything, I was an empty husk. I wouldn't eat until it was forced down me. That is not just being sad, that is being depressed, But I do not have depression.

There are such deep and complex technicalities when it comes the the human mind. We are confusing creatures, people study for years to gain a small understanding of how our minds work. Being Invalidated feels awful, having something you struggle with get taken lightly feels awful, being depressed is awful, having depression I would imagine feels awful. It hurts, and those feelings are valid. We should not add to peoples suffering and hurting. People will disagree, let us do so respectfully. If someone is rude or hurtful with their comments, understand that they could have a reason for doing so, Heck even if they don't Don't stoop to their level by being rude in response. Nothing gets accomplished that way, nothing. Do not pour gasoline on a fire if you're trying to put it out.
I would like to restate that this is not meant to offend, hurt or attack any individuals. I apologize if I have done so, Please understand that this was not my intention. (If this is no longer relevant I am sorry, It took a long while to type out)