forum Personal Venting Chat, New and Improved! (Without Jerks)
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people_alt 126 followers

@Pickles group

Update: There were only 2 spiders
I'm suspecting that there's a spider demon or something trying to kill me
Mir, would you recommend salt?

Salt is spider poison

@SpookyScarySnoteleks group

Update: There were only 2 spiders
I'm suspecting that there's a spider demon or something trying to kill me
Mir, would you recommend salt?

Salt is spider poison

2 in 1
Be right back, I gotta get my ass some salt

@Pickles group

Update: There were only 2 spiders
I'm suspecting that there's a spider demon or something trying to kill me
Mir, would you recommend salt?

Salt is spider poison

2 in 1
Be right back, I gotta get my ass some salt

Gogle says dissolve some in water and spray it on them to kill them

Deleted user

or just collect them in a tissue and put them outside

@SpookyScarySnoteleks group

Update: There were only 2 spiders
I'm suspecting that there's a spider demon or something trying to kill me
Mir, would you recommend salt?

Salt is spider poison

2 in 1
Be right back, I gotta get my ass some salt

Gogle says dissolve some in water and spray it on them to kill them

Also, update:
I may or may not have a full spray bottle of salt water sitting next to me, and I certainly may or may not have misted my body with salt water

Apparently, vinegar works too
Salt and vinegar chips

Deleted user

Update: There were only 2 spiders
I'm suspecting that there's a spider demon or something trying to kill me
Mir, would you recommend salt?

salt is for negative spirits, negative energies and general protection.
so I mean… ig lmao
if it makes you feel better

Deleted user

I just
I'm not even tired
I just did a lot today
and now my body feels no bueno
like I just want to curl up and sleep and not wake up for a long time

Deleted user

I got up at 5 am to take my moonwater inside before the sun came up
cleaned the sides of the roof of my garage (harder than it sounds, haven't been cleaned in multiple years)
went shopping
aggressively rolled my eyes at a karen
started a diy I spent hours on (and am still not finished with)
helped make dinner
got in a mild debate at said dinner
went back to working on the diy
had a fire with the fam
watched way too much riverdale (I was falling asleep as it played)
and now I'm here
I haven't done this much in a while because quarantine
and I just
amd not feeling great

clearly I didn't drink enough coffee


i am in pain a little devil of a bug bit me right under my eye and its been itching like crazy

Deleted user

i am in pain a little devil of a bug bit me right under my eye and its been itching like crazy

hot spoon