forum Personal Venting Chat, New and Improved! (Without Jerks)
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@SpookyScarySnoteleks group

  • Went outside for the first time in ages, saw 2 flies engaging in the yiffy wiffy, and promptly went back inside
  • Wrote some fanfic in my head
  • Slept
  • Watched YouTube
  • Brought y'all this video:

@The-Magician group

  • Cried
  • Got high on incense
  • Ate chicken
  • Drank 2 litres of apple juice
  • Created some new characters and developed some older ones
  • Rewatched OHSHC
  • Planned our my next book while I finish the first one
  • Chuckled as my boyfriend fell asleep on the phone to me (to be fair he pulled an all-nighter last night)
  • Lost a spider in my room


after seven whole months of desperately trying to break away my best friend has already managed to drag me back into the Vocaloid fandom so i might as well just bow down to our superior synthesizer overlords and accept my hatsune fate

Deleted user

to quote myself, if I may

“Sorry I had launder dry

I have a lot of black in my wardrobe

And a disproportionate amount of jackets to shirts and pants

Now I have the watermelon blood of Italy in my ice, turning such things in my mouth red from the delicious frozen treat“

the end

if you want to know who originally received those texts, you can take a guess

he didn’t answer yet

imagine being productive


i say may or may not becasue i dont know yet, i told her i likerd her and she said it back but it was like 3 minutes ago and im not sure what we are yet

@ElderGodSwimwithGamers group

after seven whole months of desperately trying to break away my best friend has already managed to drag me back into the Vocaloid fandom so i might as well just bow down to our superior synthesizer overlords and accept my hatsune fate

I feel that
Instead of escaping I'm just gonna get a vocaloid of my own
Thanks parents, you've done something right for once 🤗

@Pickles group

So I started another book. And I already have something to say but I don't want to have to add yet another "currently reading" book on Goodreads because seeing all the books I'm supposed to read but don't feel like reading stresses me out

@Pickles group

You know what would be great? Having a weighted blanket instead of deciding to pile on all of my clean blankets in the middle of summer

@SpookyScarySnoteleks group

This is Not Good™
There are at least 2 spiders in my room
I think there's an army of them trying to band against me.
I don't know what I did to deserve this, but what do I do
I locked myself in the bathroom
I might be sleeping in here