forum Personal Venting Chat, New and Improved! (Without Jerks)
Started by Deleted user
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people_alt 126 followers


.. Is it 11:00 pm…. Yes
Should I start reading Pride and prejudice Right now… No
Am I going to any way… Most definitely
Will I be crying at the end of it because I'm alone in life and will never find a Mr. Darcy… Probably

Deleted user

Thanks guys. I’ll update you if anything changes.


Dang Emi, I hope he comes home soon. Luckily, nearly every person who goes missing comes back or is found within three days. If you received any weird texts before this or know a favorite hiding spot of his, definitely tell the parents, even if it seems like minimal evidence.

Deleted user

I can’t text him due to me not having his number, they only supplied the number of the police station. I also don’t live near where he is (I live about fifteen minutes away, and he’s right near my school), so I can’t really supply much into hiding spots and whatnot.


So I hate to dredge up stuff from yesterday but guess what i did last night?

Cried for thirty minutes because apparently all my friends have forgotten I exist, that's what :)

I just love crying my eyes out at 1:00 in the morning :))


My mind has been circling sports recently, mostly about how much I miss being on a team, but also questioning why I–a former soccer player–am becoming obsessed with volleyball very ironic, I know.

Deleted user

things I have done since the last time I was online:

  • stood on a six foot later and hand-washed the entire side of my garage's roof
  • almost broken a glass while putting away dishes
  • used goo-gone on a Stridex container (I dunno what my mom wants to do with it tbh)
  • drank Koolaid out of a wine glass
  • went to the dollar store :D
  • got grumbled at by a Karen for something idk, who did not like it when I rolled my eyes in response
  • bought a hat :D a b a s e b a l l hat (it's black :D duh)
  • bought a picture frame
  • have decided to do a diy wish me luck

Deleted user

Oh, Mir, you wanna play that game

  • Had approximately 300000000000 servings of Doritos
  • Sat around feeling fat and eating pineapple
  • Went for an hour walk in 87 degree heat


@Pickles group

  • sat around watching Shake It Up
  • showered and did my hair
  • continued watching Shake It Up
  • lots of Shake It Up
  • drew. Too much. And not well.