forum Personal Venting Chat, New and Improved! (Without Jerks)
Started by Deleted user
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Deleted user

Bride-ify me
I couldn't find any good photos of myself so I'm just using crackhead ones


tiny vent

I got a d- on my chemistry acp course and now I'm terrified I failed the APUSH test too

also hi guys guess who's back ^w^

I'm sorry, AP tests are rough.

Deleted user

tiny vent

I got a d- on my chemistry acp course and now I'm terrified I failed the APUSH test too

also hi guys guess who's back ^w^


@Anemone eco

Bride-ify me
I couldn't find any good photos of myself so I'm just using crackhead ones


This is the best you're gettin'. The veil was hard.

@Anemone eco

Hey guess who spilled water all over my whole tbr stack :))))))

Oh, that's terrible. I'm sorry that that happened, Pickles.

@Pickles group

Right so

Might have cursed my sketchbook. I didn't want to spend too long on him for fear of cursing it more

The fact that it's next to Henry make it infinitely better

I changed the pose a little and added some color and…. This is not what God intended


You know, Notebook used to be a place where a bunch of nerds came together to discuss their thought's on fictional worlds that we all adored.
Now its a Place where a Bunch of nerds draw weird worm things… I love it.

@Pickles group

You know, Notebook used to be a place where a bunch of nerds came together to discuss their thought's on fictional worlds that we all adored.
Now its a Place where a Bunch of nerds draw weird worm things… I love it.

The rest of the sections are still normal. So there's that at least

Deleted user

the puberty nation attacked.

me in seventh grade telling my mom I got my period