forum Personal Venting Chat, New and Improved! (Without Jerks)
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Deleted user

Lee, are you in the mood to attend a wedding?

@ElderGodSwimwithGamers group

tiny vent

I got a d- on my chemistry acp course and now I'm terrified I failed the APUSH test too

also hi guys guess who's back ^w^



@The-Magician group

I’d just like to make a small vent.

Excuse me, nurse, but I didn’t expect you to be sticking needles into me. You know I flare up in a bad rash when that happens, you know that I feel everything that happens, so please stop.
Now you, dentist, I am fully aware that you look after my teeth, but when you have to overdose me on numbing anaesthetics just to stop me from feeling the pain of you putting a filling in, in the same place as you put the other 2, that’s not okay.

And now I have a headache because lights are too bright, I feel like throwing up but if I do so then I’ll have to go back, and I just want my body to stop shaking.

All in all, health, fuck you.

Deleted user

Lee, are you in the mood to attend a wedding?

I’m always in the mood for a wedding

then boy do I have a treat for you


Well I would go to the wedding but I haven't been invited, Maybe I'll show up anyway and curse your first born child because I'm petty. Also they'll need some way to become a protagonist so I'm really helping them out.


You're 100% invited.

I'm honored!
… I must find some other way to insure their protagonist status.


Make sure to invite Eris, cuz otherwise she might pop up Maleficent style.

Some one has to make sure they end up as a the Protagonists

@The-Magician group

Ugh, I hate going to the dentist.

I know right.. it’s not like mine is horrible, but she has had to redo the same filling because it keeps coming loose, and the only way she can do it without me feeling the pain is by knocking me out because I’m resistant to numbing anaesthesia


I actually really like my dentist, I've had the same one my entire life and we have a few inside jokes, mainly that he owes me three soda's because of that whole "Jinx! you owe me a soda!" thing. He let me have three things from the treasure box instead. Also the tooth polisher is actually the tooth tickler because my sister and I have very sensitive gums so we called it a tooth tickler because it tickled.

@The-Magician group

No just everything in general hurts.
Everything to do with my mouth, it’s been like that for a few years.
The tooth polisher hurts, the bloomin suction tool hurts, when she does the fillings it hurts, I can’t eat without it hurting. I can’t even yawn without feeling pain.

They’ve done like X-rays and stuff to try and figure out what it is but they can’t find anything with the bones themselves so we think it’s just something to do with the nerves and their sensitivity