forum Personal Venting Chat, New and Improved! (Without Jerks)
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I think I would like summer if I could hang out with people. I don't have super close friends, more acquaintances really, plus I'm not allowed to go out places.

@SpookyScarySnoteleks group

I don't even care which lake we go to
The lake where I go to summer camp? Yes please
The lake we go with our frousins and go out on an inflatable raft that's shaped like a ring(lovingly named the '[lake] Anus')? Absolutely
Algonquin Park, where the camp I went to for school is? HELL YES
(Oh, frousins is a combination of 'friends' and 'cousins', basically our mom's best friends and their families)

@Pickles group

I want to be able to do things. Also I'm excited for marching band. But I've been in "summer" for a while. It's nice enough. Just glad that I don't have to do school

Deleted user

I kinda wish my birthday was in the spring or Fall, like in October. BUT It's fine having it in the summer.

@SpookyScarySnoteleks group

Mine's in the middle of the summer, so I don't have to worry about school, which is nice.
Also, I get more bikes and outdoor things for my birthday than my siblings, because they were both born in late fall.

Actually, I'm the only person in my house(besides my dog) who was born in summer

Deleted user

Mine's August 4th.
Cole Sprouse and President Obama, baby.

Deleted user

You also share a birthday with my best friend, Miri

Deleted user

That's neat on how close our birthday's are!

@SpookyScarySnoteleks group

I remember that one time at camp when I was the youngest in the cabin by….
One day.
Everybody was like 'you'll understand when you're older' and it was actually pretty funny


I remember that one time at camp when I was the youngest in the cabin by….
One day.
Everybody was like 'you'll understand when you're older' and it was actually pretty funny

Lol. I have a friend who's 8 days older than me and we'd fight about stuff like that all the time.

Deleted user

Mine it July 23.

Oh so you'll be 18 soon.

Yup! And im excited.


I’m like an inch taller than my best friend so I constantly make jokes about it
“oh, you can’t reach the top shelf? do you need a tall person to help you? here, allow me-” also struggles to reach the shelf

Deleted user

Dude's im really tired. i guess it's what i get for staying up working on School Work.

@SpookyScarySnoteleks group

My science teacher's teaching us about genetics and she used me as an example and said 'so her kids will have these genes'
And inside, I'm like
'Nope, nope, no kids for me, I'm adopting'

Deleted user

That's a fat ass mood, except im going to be a animal mom.