forum Personal Venting Chat, New and Improved! (Without Jerks)
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Deleted user

Goodnight, Ella. I hope you feel better in the morning. Love you too ❤️

All of you stay safe.

@saor_illust school

oh, goodnight el!

on a completely unrelated note, lkjkdfsjllsdfk
im so glad that he didn't like
freak out or anything
i just wanted to tell my frens how much i appreciate them
its 10pm
im sitting outside
nd my nearly all my fingers are numb
nd im only halfway through my list
so i wasnt able to get everyone done, unfortunately
but im so glad the one fren i decided to send the thing to thru dms took it well
he didnt feel weird or n e thing bc we're not that close
and i did end the whole thing with a "ily fren <3"


I really wish that my bedroom window had a screen on it so I can fall asleep to the natural sounds of nature.

Take a bed sheet, duct tape it around the window after you open it, you won't be able to see through it but you'll get to hear nature.

@SupernaturalSyGuyIsTIred group

I really wish that my bedroom window had a screen on it so I can fall asleep to the natural sounds of nature.

Take a bed sheet, duct tape it around the window after you open it, you won't be able to see through it but you'll get to hear nature.

Ehh…. Too much work. I is tired, plus there's a pile of stuff in front of my window….

EDIT: I can't see out of it anyhow; I have blackout curtains!


here I am
mom’s gone, dad’s gone, my cat’s gone, and my sister’s off to live her life…

grandma will be here in 30 minutes to help me watch the children
i still can’t believe this is happening…
i knew it was coming but it was all so sudden i-
I’m happy for her, i really am, but oh gosh things are about to change a lot and i don’t know how to feel yet

@Pickles group

Im sorry i capitalize ALOT. i can't help but tap that SHIFT button. But i do love Koi. they are just adorable af.

So why not capitalize the words that are supposed to be capitalized?


It's my last day of (virtual) school. I'm super bummed. The last few months have sucked. It's a horrible end to an even worse school year. I hate summer.

Deleted user

I like summer. But I don't want it to be summer if I can't go downtown and go to parties and go to the mall and go swimming and see my friends.

Deleted user

So I've made some bird friendos
Two mourning doves
I think they're married
They might have kids on the way, too
I'm so happy for them

jeez man those birds aren’t very social distancing

@SpookyScarySnoteleks group

I like summer. But I don't want it to be summer if I can't go downtown and go to parties and go to the mall and go swimming and see my friends.

I wanna go sailing
On the lake with my camp friends
One of my camp friends was my preschool friend, too, but I didn't know that until later
I miss my friends
Including fictional characters because my parents logged me out of Crunchyroll on my chromebook and I don't know the password
and most of all,

I just wanna celebrate my birthday with my friends