forum Period Crap
Started by Deleted user

people_alt 70 followers

@Pickles group

Hide it? We gonna freaking burn it
and everything else involved
because evidence bad

Won't do much. Fire has to be REALLYYY hot to completely burn a body, and it has to burn a long time. Also no guarantee that all the evidence will burn. So if you want to get rid of it, it'd be best to dump it in a river or something. It'll eventually be found, but it would be more likely to get rid of evidence. We are talking hypothetically, right?

@ElderGodSwimwithGamers group

Hide it? We gonna freaking burn it
and everything else involved
because evidence bad

Won't do much. Fire has to be REALLYYY hot to completely burn a body, and it has to burn a long time. Also no guarantee that all the evidence will burn. So if you want to get rid of it, it'd be best to dump it in a river or something. It'll eventually be found, but it would be more likely to get rid of evidence. We are talking hypothetically, right?


@Echo_6 group

Burn it, get a cow, butcher the cow and bury the body remains under the cow. That way, if people start looking for the body they'll find the dead cow and aren't likely to go past it. As for the murder weapon make sure you use the same thing you used to kill the human, to kill the cow. Then they won't think that it's the murder weapon. Burn everything else.

@The-Magician group

Burn it, get a cow, butcher the cow and bury the body remains under the cow. That way, if people start looking for the body they'll find the dead cow and aren't likely to go past it. As for the murder weapon make sure you use the same thing you used to kill the human, to kill the cow. Then they won't think that it's the murder weapon. Burn everything else.

Realising I may be a murderer as well as a writer…

@Echo_6 group

They can still find human blood amidst the cow blood, I think. Make sure no one suspects you. Kill lots of cows so it looks normal

Or say that you had to put it down cause it was sick.

@Pickles group

or find a killer that hasn't been caught in your state or inter-state, and copy their MO. people will most likely chalk it up to the other person (who hasn't been found so duh, no one knows who all they've killed). and on the off chance you get caught, you might be able to get a shorter sentence for lack of creativity

Deleted user

maybe it’s a “you guys might be overreacting a smidge” y’all

I marched through a parade with period cramps and I’m not bitching so 🤫


Well I’m sorry my hormones are making me exaggerate/overreact to everything
Now if you’ll excuse me I just finished the last bite of cake and now I need to cry