forum Period Crap
Started by Deleted user

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@HighPockets group

I got mine in the middle of English class (now that I think about it I think it was 6th grade) and I started panicking because I needed to put a pad on but I was uncomfortable getting up and going to the bathroom so I awkwardly sat there for a while before finally gathering the courage to.
And my mom was teaching religious ed that night so I was stuck with my dad and my younger sister who don't know a ton about periods.


My first day was in June of last year? No, maybe the year before…yeah: two years ago. And today is day 2 for this month…inhales through the nose. internally screams

@Pickles group

Hello I'm back for more advice. We're supposed to go to the water park tomorrow and I don't have tampons (nor any knowledge of how to use one) and I can't ask my mom cause I'm staying with my grandparents what do I do

@Pickles group

Yeah but I really don't wanna talk to her. I can barely talk to her about food without it being uncomfortable (she also is way past the age that she would have tampons)

Deleted user

Well no shit but she'll understand. You can't go to a water park without a tampon. Ask them to go out and pick you up a box, and maybe watch a tutorial/look it up as to how to put it in if you really wanna go.

@TeamMezzo group

hi you know whats fun? already feeling dysphoric as fuck and having a really masc day but your body reminds you that you're afab. sighs

Deleted user

You're bleeding manly monthly blood!

Honestly I hate periods they make me feel all over the place like what the fuck am I supposed to be?

Deleted user

You shall bleed however you feel with your gender. You can be a strong woman, a manly man, or anything in between. You are powerful and nobody can take that away from you, masculine or feminine or anything else.

Deleted user

You're awesome! Don't use any of that negative self talk, you are amazing and powerful and you have so, so much potential. I'm just here to casually remind y'all that you're complete badasses, tbh.