forum Period Crap
Started by Deleted user

people_alt 70 followers

Deleted user

I just don’t get why the death penalty could be considered “too harsh” for serial rapists but encouraged for innocent children

The women who are raped don't think the death penalty is too harsh for serial rapists, but the men in charge do. A women was jailed for years for killing the man who forced her into sex trafficking, but some rapists are allowed to walk free after a month because "he's a good kid, it was a one-time thing" or "he has such a bright future!"

Louder, guys.

@Pickles group

Here's a thought~
If you rape someone, your future isn't bright
Just no
Fucking no way
It means you're a shitty ass person who deserves at the very least to rot in jail because it's not a one time thing
Hardly anything is

@HighPockets group

Here's a thought~
If you rape someone, your future isn't bright
Just no
Fucking no way
It means you're a shitty ass person who deserves at the very least to rot in jail because it's not a one time thing
Hardly anything is

They care more about the "poor widdle boys with bRiGhT fUtUrEs" than they do about the women (or people in general, bc men and genderqueer folks can be raped too) who were hurt by them, and that's a load of bull. The rapists get off with a few months in prison at most, and the victims have to deal with that trauma.


and then even in consensual cases people care more about the woman who chose to have unprotected sex than the child being killed but that’s clearly none of our business

@Pickles group

Rapist: rapes a woman
Woman: gets pregnant
Rapist: goes to jail and gets out before the woman even gives birth
Everyone: shocked Pikachu face

Pickles: tries to spell "shocked" as "schoked" four times

@HighPockets group

and then even in consensual cases people care more about the woman who chose to have unprotected sex than the child being killed but that’s clearly none of our business

You don't know that she chose to have unprotected sex. Condoms can break or slip, she may have misplaced her pill or forgotten it, natural family planning may not have worked, etc. And you're right, it is none of your business, it's hers.

@The-Magician group

Rape is punished by a maximum of fifteen years criminal imprisonment. It is punished by a maximum of twenty years criminal imprisonment in certain aggravating factors (including victim under age of 15). It is punished by a maximum of thirty years' criminal imprisonment where it caused the death of the victim.

@Pickles group

My face explodes before I get my period and clears up when I actually get it
My face is a fucking island of volcanoes and I'm starting to get cramps. At this point I just want to get it and be done with it

@Pickles group

I get a roiling in my stomach and I wonder if I ate too fast and then it turns into a cramp that doesn't quite feel like being stabbed, but I don't know how to describe it. I imagine it's similar, but there'd be more blood with the stabbing

@The-Magician group

Yeah, but a lot of time they get way less. Like the Brock whatever his name was case.

Yes but there were a lot of factors in his case so technically they did nothing wrong with only sentencing him for 6 months.

@Pickles group

Why am I part of this chat… I don't even remember joining it

Get ready for it–
Does that really count though since it wasn't to a vent?

@The-Magician group

I disagree, he deserved way more prison time than he got.

No, I agree, he should have had more. But given everything that happened and all the appeals and whatnot it was difficult for the jury and judge

@HighPockets group

I disagree, he deserved way more prison time than he got.

No, I agree, he should have had more. But given everything that happened and all the appeals and whatnot it was difficult for the jury and judge

Yeah, iirc his dad (or someone his dad knew) basically wrote a letter saying "he's a good guy, he just made a mistake :(" which is a load of bull.


I had a substitute who raped and flashed his area to elementary schoolers. He went to prison for 2 weeks and was under house arrest for six months. That's it.

Also, I'm sorry, I didn't realize my one vent-y comment over what we were learning about in history and English would blow up into this. I'm sorry to anyone who feels uncomfortable

Deleted user

No, its ok. I think we’ve all just got a lot of feeling on the matter.

Deleted user

Understandable, we aren’t (well I’m not, I probably shouldn’t speak for everyone else) mad though.