forum Period Crap
Started by Deleted user

people_alt 70 followers


wow. Honestly, I don't know about you but the first few days SUCK and that's how it was for me, so I had been up for at least two days and I wanted to die. But for us, there is a bakery near by and we go there (sorry if it sounds like i'm trying to one-up you. I'm honestly not. Stupid anxiety)

@Echo_6 group

Ah yes, just gotta love when something that doesn't make you cry normally makes you turn into a blubbering mess and your mom is just like, "Aaaaaaaand it is that time of month again." Because she's in a house with four freaking teenage girls, me being one of them, and all our goddamn hormones freaking link up so we all end up emotional disasters at the same goddamn time. And freaking fictional characters that have never made me cry before are making me bawl my eyes out over the stupidest thing. It's gonna be a loooong week.

Deleted user

Guess what woke me up this morning, happy 2020 from my uterus

Deleted user

Mine is super random as well, but I can’t take birth control or anything because my mood swings are so unstable and they make it worse.


You know what pisses me off, the fact that some states won't let girl have abortion, but they think it is okay for a fourteen year old to go through labor and raise a baby. Is that just me?


The opposite pisses me off but I’m not gonna talk about that because if I were to be completely honest and say how I feel about the topic with no filter that would possibly be the easiest way to make everyone hate me again and I don’t have the strength for that

Deleted user

You know what pisses me off, the fact that some states won't let girl have abortion, but they think it is okay for a fourteen year old to go through labor and raise a baby. Is that just me?

It shouldn’t be. Culture or no, that’s dangerous. People know it. They just don’t care because it doesn’t affect them.
You should need a significant(!!) portion of people with uteri to pass any law regarding them.

Deleted user

Hot take: 14 year olds shouldn't have sex

Hotter take: some don’t have a choice, and it’s horrible.

Hottest take of all: 14 year olds in developed countries are still pressured to have sex and even raped. It’s a serious issue and it isn’t just in poor countries.


Hot take: 14 year olds shouldn't have sex

Hotter take: some don’t have a choice, and it’s horrible.

Hottest take of all: 14 year olds in developed countries are still pressured to have sex and even raped. It’s a serious issue and it isn’t just in poor countries.

This is why safe abortion should be available for those who need/want it.

@The-Magician group

Abortion is legal in the UK guys, just letting y’all know. Over here is always a safe place if you need something like that. And we have free healthcare…

Edit: Unfortunately abortions are not free.

@HighPockets group

I just don’t get why the death penalty could be considered “too harsh” for serial rapists but encouraged for innocent children

The women who are raped don't think the death penalty is too harsh for serial rapists, but the men in charge do. A women was jailed for years for killing the man who forced her into sex trafficking, but some rapists are allowed to walk free after a month because "he's a good kid, it was a one-time thing" or "he has such a bright future!"