forum Period Crap
Started by Deleted user

people_alt 70 followers

Deleted user

I'm just like, hey Ima go take ibuprofen and try not to die lmao

Deleted user

Given that my household is my mom, me (biologically female, and still technically female but questioning), and my sister, as well as literally ALL OUR PETS being female (Sparky, why is that even slightly important?), and my kind but awkward brother who carries around at least four extra pads in case me or my sister forget to bring any but doesn't like talking about periods that much (we normally don't -periods are no fucking joke) and my dad who's cool about feminine hygiene (well, gotta be cool about something amiright? I guess gay marriage rights can slip right by you, huh? HUH?! COME AT ME DAD!!! WHY U NO RAINBOW, HUH? Sorry I'll call them down now, he's accepting enough to leave me before alone about it normally, at the very least.) it's safe to say that we can be pretty lax. I mean, I love my family a lot and there are advantages to having two nurses for parents and a mom who's worked in maternal and family care for a while and knows everything about this stuff, and a sad that prefers to not know as much but always answers whatever questions my sister and I have that we don't ask mom and will go to the store in whatever time or weather just to get us the stuff we need. I really think I could be worse off, I totally hate my fam sometimes and that's justifiable (yeah we don't talk about Pride. At least my mom apologized for the incident.) but they're just… cool.


AHHH I get bloody noses pretty often and I got one while on my period and it was so bed because it was 2x the blood and I got a bunch of headaches and migraines and sensory overloads and a bunch of serious cramps and nausea and this was one of my worse periods ever. (It was also a couple days longer than usual)


I don’t normally get chocolate cravings but this month…
This one’s an exception
I may or may not be eating an entire chocolate cake in my bed with a spoon rn


We bought it at the church bake sale this morning and no one really ate it so I have mostly free reign over the leftovers
It was a big cake
There are a lot of leftovers
I don’t know if even I can eat it all