forum Period Crap
Started by Deleted user

people_alt 70 followers

Deleted user

If idiots could fly this place would be an airport.

the quote I’ll probably put on my grave

Deleted user

Everyone’s an idiot in their own way. God knows I’m an idiot.


one of my favs is "humanity deserves to go extinct, we're just a bunch of monkeys with guns" lmao

That is beautiful

Deleted user

Why must my female biology remind me of that painful fact this cursed month? Sorry. I'm just in immense pain. And bleeding out half my blood. I'm not sure how I'm not dying of blood loss at this point.

Deleted user

we dont actually lose that much blood… it just looks and feels lika alot…


yeahh we don't have a pool here so I don't have to worry about that

we do, however, have indoor cardio days, which are like the pacer test but for a whole class