forum Period Crap
Started by Deleted user

people_alt 70 followers


So.. Books, Beverage, Coffee shop, GO!

Pet Sematary, Caramel Cappuccino, and I don't get the coffee at a coffee shop I get it at mcdonalds lmaoo


Also Fav music. Hobby. And joke!

Anything by Cavetown or Billie Eilish, playing ukulele, and: Two men walked into a bar. The first orders some H2O. The second one says, "I'll have H2O too." The second man died.

@Story_Siren group

Uglies is a dystopian book, where everyone in the future is 'ugly', until they turn 16 and get 'the operation'. Then they're transformed into movie star beauties- big lips, eyes, etc. The MC, Tally, meets a girl who didn't get the operation at 16. They become friends. The girl wants to run away to 'the Smoke', a camp where no one got the operation, even people who are older than 16. She runs away, the eve of Tally's 16th birthday. Tally is taken by "Special Circumstances", who tell her she has to go after her friend and bring her back to get the operation, or else Tally will never be given the operation.
I love peppermint.
Starbucks is pretty good, and I've met many fabulous people there.

Deleted user

So.. Books, Beverage, Coffee shop, GO!

I don’t like coffee lol. Crosses out Coffee shop and replaces it with hotchoclate place.

@EmptyNebula group

Also Fav music. Hobby. And joke!

Bruno Mars songs except Gorilla, it sounds weird to me
Writing (but I never actually write)
Many jokes I know are just really cringe


So.. Books, Beverage, Coffee shop, GO!

Books: Harry Potter (minus The Cursed Child), Percy Jackson, Wings of War, Fablehaven, Song of the Summer King, Warrior Cats
Beverage: Anything Sweet, but special mention goes to apple juice and ginger ale
Coffee shop: I don't drink coffee XD


Also Fav music. Hobby. And joke!

Music: Anime openings and endings (can't understand a word but that doesn't make them any less epic)
Hobby: Thinking about all the cool things I could write and never writing them
Joke: I'm a dry humor kind of person so my way of joking is just being really sarcastic about things.


Yikes ok this has gone far enough… what's your fav book and coffee shop beverage and from which coffee shop do u get it?

book: I really can't decide; there's too many
coffee: java chip frappuccino from starbucks

Deleted user

Also Fav music. Hobby. And joke!

J-pop and J-rock
Well, watching Anime is basically a hobbit of mine
insert joke about how anti-shippers are trash


The one thing I hate about not getting cramps is your period is always a total surprise. Like you’ll be having a normal day, feeling fine then you’ll go to the bathroom and realize you’re bleeding. No pain warnings.

Deleted user

I don’t get that. I always know when it’s going to happen. Cramps then cramps the more cramps then boom their is your period then more cramps.


I have an estimate of when it’s going to start but your body never likes to follow the schedule. I do t get cramps to be like “hey, you’re about to bleed”. It just sorta happens. It’s nice to not get cramps, but I’m always self conscious that I’m on it and don’t know it because I can’t feel it…

@EmptyNebula group

my procrastinating is so bad that I even procrastinate on my cramps. I know that it's not my period yet and the cramps are telling me to go get the pain relievers and pads but I wait until I actually know.