forum Period Crap
Started by Deleted user

people_alt 70 followers


I actually don't get cramps all the time? I really only get cramps during really heavy periods but I can usually kill em by laying down and taking tylenol lol

Deleted user

I dont normally get cramps but i always have a very moody couple of days right before so thats how i know, also i have a general schedule.

Deleted user

Mine is in the middle of the month every month about 4 weeks apart 4 weeks is 28 days and a month is about 30 days …

Deleted user

And yeah its norm to have it every month as far as I know… but I have a freind who rarely gets it cause shes a bit underweight so that is a factor


Mine's supposed to start in about a week and half at the time which I'll be in the coldest part of Chine freezing my butt off


Mine started yesterday and I didn’t realize it until it was over halfway through the day. At least mine starts of light so I didn’t leak through my pants.

Deleted user

I don’t eat much anyways so just be me and hardly eat at all :D