forum Period Crap
Started by Deleted user

people_alt 70 followers

Deleted user

I did that once and my nurse wasn’t authorized to give out painkillers

and i was like excuse me i’m actually suffering


Ugh this is kinda off-topic but a couple months ago this guy would just not stop staring at one of my friends, and she told me it was making her really uncomfortable so I called him out on his bull and he responded with finding her address and making rape/stalking jokes at her?? And so my creative writing class is basically a really tight-knit cult that worships fanfiction so we all got really mad at him and now more than half of us shun him/glare at him in class

Flash forward to now, where he's made several apologies that essentially said: "lol sorry for doing that but could you stop having people get mad at me??" and today on our CW group chat he said that my friend was "overreacting" and shit and for like an hour we argued about it because he was saying how she didn't need to tell me because it wasn't anyone else's business and it's just like?? you're such a dick, what?? He called her pathetic and said she was making a big deal out of nothing. Like, no, this was her telling us that you creeped her out and us getting upset about because we love her. Shut the fuck up.

So anyway, I'm in a pissy mood now


Like three teachers sat him down and told him to knock it off so he's stopped now, but he's still really gross, and most of our cw class has blocked him


ad break!

enter Confuzzled

"I'm not an overly sensitive person, but now I can be, with the new, "My best friend is suicidal!" package! You get several suspicious texts and one big confirmation text, to confirm your suspicions! You also get unlimited access to the 'don't ask her about it, she'll hate you forever!' channel! And, if you call now, we'll also throw in a, 'you rarely see your friend anyway' travel mug! All for the low, low price of 'why the heck did you bring that up, you dingus?'! Call 1-800-OH-FRICK!

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Just ask her if something's wrong or if something's upsetting her
It's not really addressing the suicide problem but it'll help