forum Period Crap
Started by Deleted user

people_alt 70 followers


I hate sand
It's coarse and rough and irritating and it gets everywhere
Also sand stick to blood the way it sticks to water (don't ask)


I hate sand, unless it's Kinetic Sand.
So,I have some small scabs, and sometimes, one of them scrapes open, and people'll be like, "OMG YOU'RE BLEEDING!" And even before my period, I shrugged and wiped it off.


Me too
Like, I scraped a teeny weeny bit of skin of my hand and they're like "OH GOD YOU'RE BLEEDING YOU'RE GONNA DIEEE!"
Like, I'm fine and these people are screaming their heads off

Deleted user

Or dodge ball… cringes oh god… I remember the one time it hit me in the stomach…

Deleted user

dont you all hate it when you just cry over everything and eat almost everything

OORRR have no emotions and eat nothing? I fluctuate between the 2


dont you all hate it when you just cry over everything and eat almost everything

OORRR have no emotions and eat nothing? I fluctuate between the 2

My anger issue just get a lot worse