forum Period Crap
Started by Deleted user

people_alt 70 followers

Deleted user

Everything at Dollar Tree is a dollar or less then a dollar. Dollar generals items range from like sixty cents to about one hundred dollars per item.

Deleted user

dollar general is an empire built on lies. nothing is a dollar there. they just want to sell you cheap laundry detergent and offer the chance to feel true failure.
dollar tree is an alternate reality, where everything can and will be made for less than a dollar. ever wanted a towel that comes as a brick, but expands when It gets wet? ever wanted the cheapest reading light you could find?
go to dollar tree.

Deleted user

It kind of has shitty items there though. I mean it’s alright, but there’s a bigger store is only a bit away.

Deleted user

My username is usually a joke or something I thought of and thought it was somewhat funny but no one ever gets it because they are not me.


I know the feel. I went back and watched like all the digimon I could find a while back, and I went through a good portion of the old pokemon episodes too


I know the feel. I went back and watched like all the digimon I could find a while back, and I went through a good portion of the old pokemon episodes too

I get what you're saying. I haven't watched Pokemon since they changed their designs, but I'm thinking of going back and playing a few of the games