forum Period Crap
Started by Deleted user

people_alt 70 followers

Deleted user

Anyone like bakugan?

Lol my brother had two video games on the DS. One was a piece of shit, and one was SOOOO MUCH FUN! I stole it from him XD

Deleted user

Personally, I’m a pokèmon person, I’ve been a pokèmon fan since Well I started playing video games when I was five. HELL I may be a centrie of two away from it, but WHO CARES! Pokèmon stadium and Pokèmon snap are my childhood! (Along with Spyro 3 BUT HE IS GETTING REMADE SO EUNS SKDKXIXJSJDMJC)

Deleted user

Wut. Are you memeing? Or are you actually serious… it’s not a bad thing! But us gamers find that a meme. You know what you should play? Sonic 06. It’s perfection

Deleted user

Now a days I’m all about WALUIGI and Daisy because WALUIGI is basically Jesus, and Daisy is the perfect princess with sass.