forum Our characters talk together
Started by @wolf_girl56

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@cupcake_pogs flash_on

Joe: There's a lot of people here… now that I look at it… Or well notice.

[Long black haired female walks over]

Girl: [looks around] You know that the social scene isn't her thing. [lightly taps the tip of her foot on my shoulder] Yep… She's out cold. [leans down and take's my hand] I'll just get her in the car and get going.]

Joe: Then come back, right? C?

Girl: [makes an 'okay' sign] Will be back soon, JR. [dragging my body away] And it's Claudia! NOT C! [struggles to put body in the back seat] Wouldn't hurt to help, Joe.

Joe: [smiles] Well you never asked.
Claudia: [huffs] I never should need to ask. [pushes her body into the car.] Alright…. All done. [turns to Joe] I'll be back. [closes the door, walks around the car and gets into the driver seat, turning on the car and drives away]

Joe: Right. [turns back towards the others] So I realize that I've been quiet lately… That's only because I walks nearly two miles-WITH HEELS- in the blistering heat…

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Natalia: gives Mir a sympathetic look
Me: continues to spazz and panic

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Curtis, exploding into the room: WE'RE BAAACK!
Juno also appears, somehow: haha, whoops. Sorry, we went to get… pizza.
Curtis: It took us two days to get pizza? Really?
Juno: I was trying to cover for us.
Curtis: Well, sir, that was a terrible effort.
Juno: I could've just told them the truth. Hey everyone, sorry we were gone for a couple of days. Curtis stabbed a shovel through a man's insides, so we had to bury him out in the wilderness.
Curtis: You! You… son of a b—!
Juno, interrupting: HOLD on, we do not know the policy on curse words here!!
Curtis: What? I was going to say butter patty.
Juno: Butter patty??
Curtis: Yeah. Son of a butter patty.

@Rvan group

Rvan: I think I have some demon task to do…
Erik: Wait! Don’t leave just yet!
Me: You can’t just leave. Plus, you do not have any demon tasks last I checked.
Rvan: I need another pack of cigs
Rvan: You were the one who got me addicted…
Erik: Um… I think people might be staring, guys…
Rvan, sits down grumpily on chair: Fine, I’ll stay a little longer.

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Curtis: Smoking did almost kill me. Except that was my skin, clothes and house that were burning, not cigarettes.

Juno: Jesus Christ, dude.

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Ginger: blames herself for everything and has a gut wrenching past Hi…

@Rvan group

Me: Ha, yeah, Rvan’s excuse is that he’ll commit suicide before he gets lung cancer, so… He needs better therapy.
Rvan: I’m serious about that.
Erik: Please no.

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Juno: hi to Ginger as well
Curtis: Heyyy, gut-wrenching past twinsies!
(he holds out a hand for a hi-5)

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Ginger: slowly high fives Curtis, then looks at me awkwardly
Me: Talk. To. The people.
Ginger: I'm… You… My… Uh… Ginger.
Me: facepalms

@cupcake_pogs flash_on

Joe: Lively bunch you all are. Reminds me of a few other people I know. [nods]

[awkward silence]

Joe: So do any of you party? [laughs] I know I do~… where's Claudia when you need the girl?

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Anikka: Uh, no. I can't even pick out an outfit for a Tim Hawkins stand up comedy show on my own!

@Rvan group

Rvan: I go to parties to get high for free.
Erik: Please no, again. That’s bad for you.
Rvan: [Shrugs]
Me: And it’s illegal


Darcy: Alright, my turn to introduce myself. Hi, my name is Darcy Moore, and I'm the fifth of my friend group. I'm super curious and my friends have had to yank me out of some dangerous situations.
Natalia: snorts Got that right.
Me: I finally came up with a good title for their book!! After All This Time. How does it sound?

@Rvan group

Rvan: Meh
Erik: Rvan, the only type of thing you read is always made by Shakespeare. Don’t be so rude! The book title sounds great. I would read it.
Me: The title sounds amazing, Natasha!!! I want to read it if you get it published!


Me: Thanks! It's going to take some time, because I'm actually writing about three books right now that I want published on paper, and about four books on WattPad, and Camie and I are co-writing a book for WattPad……we haven't even gotten the first chapter though but it should be started today if we both manage to be on at the same time today lol
Fun fact - Tara is my character for the book I'm co-writing with Cam, it's title is Saving Haven.

@Rvan group

Me: That’s so cool!
Rvan: Too bad you don’t have WattPad
Erik: We should get it!
Rvan: Too bad your on vacation right now and your family is going to the beach soon.
Me: [Dragged away by family before I can say anything else]


Elysee: Ooooooo! Books! Give me! GIVE ME!
Me: Un… Sorry. She should probably take meds… Probably. I need a therapist. goes to cry in the corner
Jonathan: I have a wonderful daughter. happy sigh
Me: And apparently no common sense… Now it's two people I need to take to the therapist.

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Mattie: plays with her hair
Me: Pleeeeease talk to people!

@cupcake_pogs flash_on

[motorcycle pulls up]
Male: [takes off helmet and get's off of it] Joe there's work that still needs to be done.

Joe: [rolls her eyes, and looks at her nails] So that's it? Come in on that death contraption. Not even saying please or what exactly is "work".

Male: [walks closer, narrows his eyes then looks around] I wasn't asking in the first place. [sees everyone.] Besides it's better than just staying here and messing around… Wasting time.

Joe: [glares at him] Well first of all, Victor. I am perfectly fine here… [turns away from him, arms crossed] besides isn't Claudia your Go-to-Girl?

Victor: [glances to Joe then everyone] Why are you being this way? There are lives of the living who will be. Well i don't know. Not-So-Living-Anymore.

Joe: I get that but why me? Are you dating Claudia? [huffs]
Victor: [snorts] Well I wouldn't want her to get hurt… besides you're kind of growing on me…. [ glances around] and there are people here…. a bit too much … even for me.

@Rvan group

Rvan, sassy: Seeing that you probably got some love triangle going on… That might be a ‘bit too much’ for me.
Erik: Be nice, and it doesn’t have to be a triangle.
Me: Yeah, it could be a square or a pentagon. Or, in Sarah J Maas’s case, a dodecahedron.
Rvan: Love is, frankly, foolish.
Joseph: [coming up and putting an arm around Erik’s waist] No it isn’t.
Rvan: Ha, yeah, sure. Elizabeth would agree.

@cupcake_pogs flash_on

Joe: Love triangle? pFFT. Yeah-No! That's no. nonono. Me? Him? NOOO

Victor: [puts hand over his heart] Rude.

Joe: Shut up. [covers her face] Anyways
Victor: [turns to the others] It's nice to meet you all…

Joe: [pulls her hand away] So how was everyone's day?
Victor: We don't really have time for this-
Joe: I don't care. Need my help? Deal with this, Asshole.
Victor: How did you win the, Rence Sweetheart Pageant, with a mouth like that?
Joe: How did you ever end up with Claudia with a face-mouth like that?

Victor: She likes this face… especially my mouth.
Joe: Eww. I didn't need to hear that