forum Our characters talk together
Started by @wolf_girl56

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Juno: Nice to meet you, Victor. My day was terrible. Haha, I wish someone liked me.
Curtis: I like you, doofus, and I thought today was pretty good! We got ice cream. Also, greetings, Victor.
Me: Sorry, that was my fault. I dump all the sad things on Juno. Sorry, buddy.
Juno: I'd protest, but honestly it wouldn't make a difference.
Me: No, I guess it wouldn't. Again, sorry.
(Curtis has brought in a massive amount of spaghetti.
It sits in the center of the room.)
Curtis: Haha. Spaghetti.

@cupcake_pogs flash_on

Joe: Food.
Victor: It's called spaghetti, Joe.
Joe: Which is also known as food. Also it reminds me that I'm in dire need of food.
Victor: But you're a vampire.
Joe: I can eat food. It's like junk food you know. Blood is overrated…. I have blood substitutes for a reason

Victor: Whatever. [looks over to the others] So I'm guessing that these people are all from different universes?
Joe: I guess… That's so cool though. How is it in your world(s)? Do you have revenants over there too? Vampire? Rogue werewolves? Fae? How about-
Victor: [covers her mouth] Do you ever shut up?
Joe: Do you ever stop being hot? I mean stupid. [blushes and nods] Yeah. Stupid.
Victor: [blinks then turns to the others] So continuing on the question. How is your universe or whatever you call it. World or something.

@Rvan group

Rvan: We got demons of all sorts. Some are like humans, but… broken. Typically those ones are from World War II. Then we got others that aren’t human in the slightest. Tall with gangly limbs and backward feet, glowing white eyes and a sickly blue skin and horns. And then there’s also-
Erik: Can we talk about something else?
Rvan: -a mix. There’s a particular Drider demon that I’m not very found of. I suppose you could say we have a vampire, with Mr. Tea.
Me: It was never actually confirmed he drinks blood…
Man, appearing out of nowhere: [Takes sip of dark reddish colored ‘tea’] I would be ‘Mr. Tea’. At least that what the youth, elderly, and everyone in between call me.

Deleted user

Juno: Our universe is okay. I guess we kind of have a revenant…
Curtis: I was never dead! You just stopped visiting me, I was dead to you.
Juno: You were… pretty dead. Basically.
Curtis: Fine! But I'm not dead now, so there!

Juno: Our universe isn't anything out of the ordinary, I guess. Unless you count the unusually stupid police force.
Curtis: WHICH you should be thankful for!
Juno: …or the unusually incompetent psychiatric facilities…
Juno: Yeah, our universe is pretty normal. What about the rest of you guys?


Elysee: We do not have any non-human species but we do have a new stage in human evolution - fittingly termed the "Evolved". So basically a couple of generations ago teenagers started to show "abnormal" talents. Because the commonly only activate during puberty nobody saw it coming. They were then found out to carry a gene - the Evo-gene - which basically makes them superpowered. So everyone who inherits that gene or - in rare cases mutates - develops a superpower. Some are parlor tricks, some… Well certain villains have destroyed parts of whole countries. Ehem…
Anyway, since it's genetic there's a small percentage of humanity today - Earth 2084 - that very much resembles all those sci-fi novels and comics. I'm an Evo of the third generation - and as racist and elitist as that sounds they call us purebloods, the Evos who have not had a non-Evo in their direct ancestry since the first generation of Evos. So I'm the granddaughter of four of the first. Which means I had no possibility of not inheriting the Evo-gene. Both my dad and mum are descended from the first generation on both sides. Consequently… I'm kind of powerful… I could destroy the entire sum of technology mankind has ever invented, every device in action or existing, with a thought. But that would be boring.
Jonathan: Exactly! So we only destroy what we need. Then you can have a lot more fun in the future. Villainy is all about planning how to get the most out of breaking the law. Villainy 101!
Elysee: If anyone wonders why I'm like this… Meet the person who raised me and whose idea of a great time is mind-controlling a bunch of people for entertainment. Ha!
AI-ra: I have several phone numbers for psychiatrists in the area. There are multiple choi… Chrrr
Elysee: I'm never turning her on again. Where was I? Oh right… Haaaahahaha!
Me: wow this was a long post.we really have to cut down on our explanations.
Elysee: Are you kidding? They would never understand a thing! People are so slow…
Elysee: um… So … Someone lost it…

@cupcake_pogs flash_on

Victor: [opens his mouth]
Joe: [covers it] Wow. That's cool.
Victor: [glares at her and takes off her hand] Our "Universe" is of course a bit different from all of you… I guess.

Joe: There are humans in ours. They don't know what Gifts are or Dark Born… Well I guess you would call Gift, "Magic.".

Victor: We have strict laws against things like that. You know all those myths and stories about vampires and stuff? They're true-most of them- and our government-
Joe: Also known as The Council.

Victor: They make sure that humans never find out about them… Well unless you're born in Eden.

Joe: Which is located on earth. In Drenos.
Victor: They won't get that, Loser.
Joe: Asshole.
Victor: Sweetheart this is me being nice. [turns back towards them] What Joe is trying to say is that Eden is another plane of existence.

Joe: A lot more dangerous than Earth. Like for example we have mutated Ghouls that will merge with about anything… It's horrible.
Victor: We have vampires, werewolves (Females are typically bigger during their changing, than the males), Hunters.
Joe: Oh Hunters. I have a best friend who is a Hunter. Samantha Valentine. Super cool. A bit dull sometimes. But she's cool.
Victor: [rolls eyes] Hunters are a organization of people (who are dying out), they use to hunt all types of species that weren't human, well up until the Head of the Hunter society put a stop to it…. She worked with The Council to make laws that they can't Kill-Exterminate- anymore races.

Joe: Did I mention that [points to Victor] This guy can take the energy, gifts, and souls from the people around him if he want-
Victor: [covers her mouth] Ignore her. Three shots of vodka and she's a mess. Usually always spewing nonsense. Anyone else?

@Ana Zing

Paige: Hey, Ic, there's people with problems here!
Icarus: reading a book in ancient Greek Hmm, what?
Paige: Never mind, he's always like this. so, how's y'all's lives? my mom's Medusa!

@cupcake_pogs flash_on

Joe: Medusa? Like The Medusa?

Victor: You know in our "world" she owns a Casino…
Joe: Of course you would know that.
Victor: It's not like I went inside. Besides I was only young boy. Who let's a child inside a casino by themselves.

Joe: [turns to Paige] That's cool.

@Rvan group

Rvan: We kind of got a Medusa. Scorpian hair, though…
Erik: There’s a scorpian haired Medusa?!?
Me: Well yeah… there’s demons of every type. I needed to get everything in those sewers.
Erik: Why though? Why can’t me and my brother just live a happy life?
Me: Cause I created Rvan when I was not very ‘happy’. And he’s a protagonist, it’s just kind of natural for them to go through dangerous plot points.

@cupcake_pogs flash_on

[Car pulls up]
Claudia: Joe. You wouldn't believe what hap- [see's Victor and others] Am I interrupting something?
Joe: Nothing.. But look what I have here. [points at Victor]
Claudia: [Smiles] It's been a long time, Love. [walks over and hugs Victor]
Victor: I know. [hugs back]

Claudia: So what's been going on? What's the talk of the hour?


Elysee: How horrible our lives are thanks to our authors apparently.. blablabla… Everyone looooves a sob story. Wonderful.

@Ana Zing

Paige: Yeah, that Medusa. But Mom's a good guy now, and she knows a lot about healing.
Icarus: [looks up from book] I died then came back to life.
Paige: He's a very short angel. Also, Ic looks about ten.

@Ana Zing

Paige: errr. ummm…..
Paige: physically, he's thirteen, chronologically?
Paige: a couple thousand years?

@Rvan group

Rvan, sarcasm: I died and I’m living the dream. I work and slave for a king that leaches off the human population. I’m technically supposed to live in a sewer now. What’s to hate?

Deleted user

Me: sorry I’m late, oz saw…
Oz: hey! Sorry about her, she gets a little bossy sometimes. My name’s Oz and I’m clearly the best person here-
Basil: Don’t be rude, Oz. We’re guests here.
Skylar: grumbles You’re the one who stormed a potioneer’s studio and broke his stuff.
Basil: He tried to imprison us!
Lizzie: Woah, guys. Be nice. We’re getting out of hand.
Me: Nice call, Lizzie. Say, where’s Houston and Newt?
Houston: running in, big smile I was busy doing things.
Newt: He tricked me into tripping over poison ivy!
Basil: HOUSTON! How dare you do that to poor Newt? clucthes Newt’s sleeve
Houston: I had to. He’s so minipulative.
Lizzie: clears throat: We’re getting off topic. turns to everyone else I apologize profusely.

@cupcake_pogs flash_on

Claudia: We're still here, Love.

Victor: I thought you only called me that.
Claudia: It slipped out. [kisses his cheek] Besides who could ever replace you?

Joe: [coughs] also still here.
Victor: Who could ever forget that?

Deleted user

Oz: Once these people finally leave there'll be no stopping a PARTY!
Skylar: I thought we were invited to a lively discussion with mom's friend's kids. Where is everyone now? It's borrring.
Lizzie: There are still people here, Skylar. Don't call them rude. Mom's in the other room with her friends. Besides, there's biscuits left over!
Basil: Oh yes, let's not panic. The biscuits.

@Ana Zing

Harper: Well, Wingboy is reading a gibberish book, and everyone else seems to be as crazy as my friends, so I'll hang out here.
Paige: Hey!
Icarus: It's not gibberish, it's Ancient Greek, which is older than probably everyone in this room.
Paige: Well said, Ic.