forum Our characters talk together
Started by @wolf_girl56

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Venus: Hey. I guess. She uses me for romance. I'm in a ship.
Me: #VENDER!!!!!!!!
Venus: She's weird.

@Rvan group

Rvan: My author is killing off everyone I love, and she already made me depressed with a crappy councilor as my only help.
Hammington: I’m trying to show you, Ryan, that all you need to do is smile more! There isn’t a reason to feel sad, and-
Rvan: I will literally shoot you.
Me: Yeah, I figured that was a bad idea inviting him.
Jake: Hammington isn’t that bad…
Rvan: Kid, * Looks pointedly at Jake *
Jake: I-I mean, he’s a terrible person. Bad councilor, y-you know?
Rvan: Better. *continues smoking


Elysee: So, after a nice little chat I have a supervillain name that's alright I think!
Me: crying in the corner
Elysee: I'm Ghost! You know, cause of the skin and hair colour - I'm an Albino - and cause I'm kind of like the… "the ghost in the machine" … Or something…
Me: still crying, licking my wounds
Jonathan: that's nice sweety!
Elysee: and it just became uncool…

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Evie: walks over I have a girl inside my head.

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Evie: I'm good… I think… she's definitely evil. She takes control of me.


Elysee: I might get along with her! I'm a villain!
Jonathan: in training
Elysee: I'll hack your computer and reprogram it to show you cat pictures every two minutes!
Jonathan: I'm conflicted. That's both mean and adorable!
Elysee: I hate you.
Jonathan: love you too!

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Erik: I like Imagine Dragons! They’re such a great band!
Rvan: I like Arctic Monkeys and The Neighborhood…

Juno bursts into the room: dID SOMEONE SAY THE NEIGHBOURHOOD?
Curtis: I too like all of those bands, haha.

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Curtis: I'll be your friend, Elysee.
Juno: yeah, if you're cool with the looming threat of being murdered…
Curtis, insulted: Hey, I don't murder friends! That's a promise.
Juno: Uh, then you clearly don't know what happens in the last chapter of our first book.
Curtis, sweating: Hahaha, I do not kill friends, and I'll be your friend, Elysee!

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Evie: uses powers again randomly
Me: grabs her hands Evie, stop.


Elysee: By the way… If you want to kill me you're welcome to try! Wouldn't be the first to, won't be the last… Ehehehehe

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(Curtis laughs and kicks a dagger behind him)
Juno: why would people be trying to kill you?


Elysee: oh just some other villains… Not all of us have a moral code… They just want to eliminate the competition… Or get at my dad since he's kind of like the godfather of villains… They are terribly predictable though!
Me: Everyone is predictable to you.
Elysee: And I don't even have precognition!
Me: want it?
Elysee: … Thanks I'm good. I already know their movements anyway. People behave in certain patterns. So it's just a matter of analyzing probabilities and
Me: yeah… I don't have an IQ of 200 something… No clue what you're talking about…
Elysee: it's so frustrating living with you. Nobody gets it! Why are you so primitive?
Me: and another insult… Yup, I'm an idiot… I created a character whose favourite pastime it is to insult people, especially me… Dr
Elysee: You cry a lot!
Me: shuts up… I wonder why(sarcastic)?!

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Juno: Hm. I bet Curtis would qualify as a villain. He does kill people, so…
Curtis: You're implying that I'm evil, aren't you? Ugh, SIGH
Juno: I am not! Kind of…

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Evie: Jocelyn would kill people.
Me: in a warning tone Evie…

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Trinity: falls out of Heaven
Trinity: lands on her face in front of Juno
Trinity: pushes herself up and looks around wildly
Trinity: Who

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Juno pulls out another cat and holds it out to Trinity