forum Our characters talk together
Started by @wolf_girl56

people_alt 11 followers


I saw someone else do this and it had quite a few hits so I thought I'd start a new one for those of you who didn't get to participate in the other one and don't want to read the 1,000 comments to catch up. I thought it was hilarious to read, and that it'd be nice to share.


Me: Ava, will you go first?
Ava: I guess. I'm Ava and I'm 17. I'm a brunette with a pixie cut hair style and….
Me: And……. Come on I have so much fun with this one!
Ava: do you know how annoying it is to have eyes that constantly change colors?
Me: yeah. I make you deal with it don't I?
Ava: rolls red eyes whatever. I also like books music and soccer.
Me: that's my girl.
Ava: My bestie was Bre until SOMEONE HAD TO KILL HER. eyes me angrily
Me: Nah she's not dead.
Ava: What?!?
Bre: dude I've been sitting in this corner for A MONTH WOULD YOU PLEASE COME FINISH MY PART OF THE STORY.


Ava: Yay. new people
Bre: Ava!
Ava: What?
Me: don't be rude.
Ava: *Glares at me while putting in headphones
Bre: jeez you're moody today


Nuna: OOH! OOH! I wanna join! Ros, come with me!
Ros: Um, are you sure?
Nuna: Yeah! Don't worry, they seem friendly.
Ros: As long as you ask our author, maybe…
Me: Go ahead! Wait, where's Olfie?
Olfauben: I told you to call me Ben!
Nuna: Yes! C'mon!
Ros: As long as there aren't any predators…


(Hi! May I slip in? The previous thread got a little too dark and fast-paced and confusing for me…)


Sara: Ooh! People! Let's go! * Pulls Tess into room*
Tess: Introduce yourself first.
Sara: Fine. I'm Sara and I'm studying criminology. I have brown hair that goes down to my shoulders and brown eyes. This is my friend Tess.
Tess: Hi… I'm Tess. I'm in med school and I have light red hair and blue eyes.. and I like reading and writing.
Sara: It's nice to meet you all.


Me: Bre why don't you go find Max?
Bre: he's still mad that you haven't finished our part yet.
Me: ugh. fine. you characters are so needy sometimes…
Ava: At least we don't kill our character's friends. *glares pointedly at me


Me: Cora come on out of there
Cora: * whispers * I don't like meeting new people
Me: fine Nora will start Nora go ahe..
Nora:Hi I'm Nora like Cora but with a n not a c also I'm a witch and what else oh I piano tell me about all y'all self's it's so nice to meet you Cora you should talk to them they seem normal enough (for authors at leasts)
Me: hey Nora you can't just say that
Nora: anyway Cora come on tell them about you or I will
Nora: fine I'll do it then *high pitched voice * hi I'm Cora I'm really shy and quite because people insulted me when I was 5 what else oh I'm really short and….
Nora: ….ok
Me: ok sorry I forgot to tell you about her short fuse
Cora: I don't have a short fuse, anyway where was I oh yep I'm Cora and I'm a mermaid and that's it I'm going back
Me: um ok thank you two for that interesting intro well they probably think we're weird now
Nora: there authors they know a lot about weird
*face palm *


Me: So, maybe if I do this right, my room won't be overrun by my various characters……..Natalia, Bella, why don't you two come out here?
Natalia: Hey guys! My name is Natalia Spears, I'm Etheiopian, short, and full o' sass! And I love cooking and singing.
Bella: Umm….hi guys…..I'm Bella Jones, I'm British and I'm a professional ballroom dancer. Natalia and I have been friends since we were five, so maybe…..uuhhmm……I wanna say…sixteen years now?
Me: That is correct, Bella.
Bella: Cool.


Nora: hi Bella and Natalia, so Bella your a ballroom dance I tried ballet when I was younger but I got kicked out for incessant talking I wonder why
Cora: yeah I wonder * sarcastically *
Nora: just because you don't talk doesn't mean other people don't talk either
Cora * three deap breaths and walks away *
Me: sorry about them Natasha 😅


Me: laughs I get it. I have a few chatterbox weirdos around her somewhere……
Natalia: Sits down on beanbag* Bella and her partner are certainly a pair….elbows Bella teasingly
Bella: blushes brightly Shut up Nat! We're just friends!
Natalia: Suurreee…….that's how it always starts out….
Bella: What's that supposed to mean!?
Natalia: …..Nothing…..
Me: laughs You see what I mean?


Me: I'm trying to keep a few of mine from strangling each other
Jay: well I guess I don't have to wonder who you're talking about. Im Jay Jackson by the way
Ava: who let him in here?
Bre: probably your dad
Ava: * makes low growling noises
Jay: sooooooo now we're pretending to be animals?
Ava: *screams while being dragged violently away
Me: why do you have to antagonize her?
Jay: *shrugs


Me: Ok guys introduce yourselves. And be nice.
Arthur: Well well well. Look what the cat dragged in. A whole bunch of new people. Great. I'm overjoyed.
Ness: ARTHUR! BE NICE! Oh hi everyone! I'm Ness. I'm 18, I like taxidermy and old silent movies.
Arthur: Fine. * Sigh* Hi I'm Arthur, I can't see because apparently you can't just leave your kids wondering around a park without checking up on them.
Brad: It's you're fault you went with him.
Me: Ok, ok, everyone be nice.
Brad: Oh yeah. Hello pleased to meet you all. I'm Bradford but can just call me Brad. I'm Arthur's best friend.
Ness: And his only friend.
Arthur: Ok Ness, but you can't even land a girlfriend so shut up.
Ness: Ignoring that
Brad: It was real cool getting to meet you all!


Me: sighs Late nights….they're soooo nice, you can just sit in the darkness with your anxiety and self-hate…..
Natalia: hugs me tightly Its okay child, we'll keep you company. And hey, as long as you keep that music going I think it'll help.
Bella: I agree


Me: well this got real deep fast
Ava: this sounds like something Ev would enjoy
Everett: What about me?
Me: How long have you been eavesdropping?
Everett: Since this started. Does that bother you?
Me: Not normally but why did you have to be under the table?!?
Ava: It's not like anyone here noticed until You said something


Natalia and Bella: burst out laughing
Me: Maybe I should stay away from after midnight…..


(I literally just discovered this whole website and I have no idea what I'm doing, can I join?)


Ros: Um, Nuna?
Nuna: Yeah?
Ros: Why are those…things…all standing on two legs? None of them have shells, flippers, fangs, fur, or wings.
Me: They're a species called humans.
Ros: WHAT!? The things that attacked Asva!?
Nuna: begins growling at Bella If you hurt my sister, I'll –
Olfie: Nuna! Calm down! I'm sure they'll be…diplomatic. I'll take care of them if they don't.
Nuna: But she was making scary noises!
Me: No fighting! They're our friends!