forum Our characters talk together
Started by @wolf_girl56

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Bella: I promise I won't hurt anyone. I'm a pacifist anyways.
Me: Ooh, now to find Jade…..hold on just a sec. Found her
Jade: Hey y'all! I'm the third girl in the trio, I'm an African American with really dark skin(which really shouldn't matter I mean skin color shouldn't be such a big deal) I love animals, oh and Nat adjusted our ages to fit the book idea she's using us in and now Natalia's 16, Bella's 15, and I'll be turning 16 soon.
Me, Bella, and Natalia: stares at Jade
Natalia: Girl, that's the most words I've heard coming out of your mouth in one time!
Natalia: What does Bella's dance partner have to do with this?
Bella: laughs awkwardly So…..uhh……we might have taken Jade to see the new movie….
Natalia: Oh you're kidding. You took her to see that movie?! I thought we've been over this, you're not supposed to take Jade to see any Marvel movies!!
Bella: Sorry.
Jade: I'm literally right here guys.


Tess: So… Can I go now?
Sara: Why do you want to leave already? We Just got here.
Tess i have things to do.
Me: You have to stay but here's a book.
Tess: Fine.


Ros: What's a "movie"?
Nuna: What's a "dance"?
Olfauben: What's "African American"?
Me: Sorry for all of their questions. I may or may not have dragged them here from 500,000 BC… They also may or may not be the ancestors of today's animals… Ros is a turtle/gazelle. Nuna is a tiger/fennec fox. And Olfie is a timber wolf/barn owl.
Olfauben: I said to call me Ben!


Tess: A movie is like a moving picture that tells a story, a dance is people doing sequences of movement, and African American is a racial and ethnic group.
Sara: * under her breath* Know it all.
Tess: They asked.


Ros: That's really cool! I wanna see a movie!
Nuna: Me too!
Me: Ooh! Here's The Lion King! I'll put it in for you
Mufasa dying scene
Nuna: Is that what happened to Mom and Dad?
Ros: I DON'T LIKE MOVIES ANYMORE! cries in the corner
Me: Um… At least movies don't exist in your homeland…?

@Rvan group

Me: C’mon, Rvan, this looks fun! You too, Erik!
Rvan: I’d rather not.
Me: * ignores him* Hi everybody, this is Rvan.
Erik: What is it?
Me: And this is Erik!
Erik: Hi! * grins and waves*
Rvan: Can I go now, or…?
Erik: No! We just got here, let’s meet new people. Hi, I’m Erik and this is my brother. It’s so nice to meet you all! Is that the Lion King?

@Rvan group

Erik: Lion King was good. Do you remember when we watched that, Rvan?
Rvan: It’s about an orphaned kid who took back his kingdom. Blah blah blah. And a scene in it was based off a Nazi rally, so…
Me: Don’t ruin the Lion King for me!
Rvan: * shrugs* Sorry.

@Rvan group

Rvan: Hamlet was done better.
Erik: You don’t live in 500 BC, Rvan.
Rvan: * frowns* He was alive in the 1500s, Erik.
Erik: You still weren’t alive then!
Rvan: It was a good play, alright.


Bella(the resident history nerd): History is pretty interesting, isn't it? I mean, especially if you read from several different countries' perspectives! You can learn a lot.


John: It's all fun and games, until you wake up with an arrow wound in you're shoulder from the hundreds year war.
Alexandra: Or a gunshot wound from a duel


Me: Ok guys we have a wedding to go to…..well actually I do but I'm bringing you guys for company.
Bella: Ooh, whose wedding?
Me: The daughter of an old family friend. I don't know her that well.
Jade: We shall gladly keep you company then.

(That being said, gtg to a wedding now, be back later(hopefully))

@Rvan group

Erik: Tell them congratulations for me!
Me: Yeah, I said congrats too!
Rvan: Poor people, and wedding are a waste of money
Me: Rvan! Weddings are happy celebrations, don’t be so rude.
Rvan: * shrugs*


Nora: ohh a wedding I never gone to anyone's wedding I wish I could go
Cora: you can't just go to someone's wedding and crash it
Nora: why not
Cora: because you can't
*lots of angry fighting breaks out *
Me: you two should just go in there
*angry fighting continues in my bedroom *
Me: hey Ken Kennny why don't you introduce yourself
Ken: hi I'm Ken and I apologize for them there probably the most annoying of my friends Nora and Cora both have terrible tempers and they both snore so there perfect friends for each other
Nora and Cora: we don't snore
*more fighting continues *
Me: you should probably leave this chat Cora
Cora: I didn't want to be here in the first place
*storms out *
Ken: hey I'm not done telling you about your deviated septum yet
*runs after her *
Me: it's just you and me now Nora

@Rvan group

Me: Well, dinner just finished getting ready, so we got to go.
Erik: Aww… Really?
Me: Unfortunately yes. And Rvan, are you going to eat this time?
Rvan: No.
Me: Well you’re coming anyways. Besides, it’s good to have some family time.
Rvan: *shrugs *
Me: *sighs * Well we have to go, see you all later.
Erik: Bye!

(See you all later)


(Some of my characters might temporarily have the same names as characters from other things because I took some character traits or looks from that character so.. yeah.)


Elysee: Well this looks… soooooo fun.
Me: Why are we up in the middle of the night? And why are we just barging in on someone elses conversation?
Elysee: … bored.
Me: Fantastic… so no sleep anytime soon?!
Elysee: Nope.
Me: haaaaa
Elysee: Still bored.
Me: sorry 'bout this everyone. I can't stop her. She can literally control technology. And I…
well I can break it… in record time…
Elysee: Wow! You're so fascinating… I'm just loving the positive attitude! Ugh
Me: cries quietly
Me: sorry she has zero social skills…