forum Our characters talk together
Started by @wolf_girl56

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Elysee: Great. You satified now oh great and powerful writer? I've got a friend.
Me: I don't think it works like that…
Elysee: Don't think? You do that a lot…
Me: again, sorry…


AI-ra: Elysee, you might benefit from some therapy Sessions. I have detected some abnormalities in your social competence as well as some behavioural anomalies.


Elysee: I'm gonna dismantle you if you ever suggest something like that again. I built you, I can scrap you too, you stu***
Me: ELYSEE! If you dare curse I will ground you for a week!
Elysee: that'd be worse for you than for me…


Tess: * to Sara* Who even are these people.
Sara: I don't know. They seem interesting enough.
Tess: i'd say more to the weird side… but OK.


Nuna: I'm weird!? If anything, you are! You, you… Wait, what species are they?
Me: Humans.
Nuna: You hoomahns!!


Me: that is the general impression.
Elysee: what do you mean? I'm not weird!
Me: yeah… You kind of are…
Elysee: look who's talking!
AI-ra: This is not condusive to the conversation. It will also not help the impressions people have of us. Might I suggest a more gentle approach?
Elysee: Why'd I create her again?
Me: you wanted a friend?
Elysee: that's your version…
Me: and yours?
Elysee:… Science experiment… I… wanted to prove that… AIs could be realized… Yeah! That's it!


Elysee: I'm not human… I'm an Evolved… Like a mutant… The next step in human development… But you know like a new species!…
Quietly … Definitely more intelligent…
AI-ra: That is an overgeneralization.


Sara: Tess didn't mean that in a nasty way. Did you, Tess?
Tess: Depends.
Sara: Sorry. She can be a bit rude sometimes.


Me: It seems that my characters haven't learned much about the present. I mean, I did just pull them out of a war between animal kingdoms to be here…
Asva: WOAH! How'd I get here? I could've sworn I was just defeating that one guy… notices the others Aah! More humans! Ros? Who are they?
Ros: Friends, or so they say. We should plan an escape just in case though…


Tess: I'm going for coffee. Do you want to come, Sara?
Sara: No. These people are interesting.
Tess: OK. Be back in a few.


Elysee: These people are giving me great ideas for some not so human Artificial Intelligences!
Who wouldn't want a talking animal friend?
… As loud as they're robotic … I think
Me: do you know you're rude? Or do you just not care?
Elysee: rude? Whose fault is that?
Me: mine.
Elysee: Ohho yeah! You decided I had to be "a little too much"!
Now I'm a Mutant (Evolved) AND an Albino (except for the stereotypical red eyes, mine are grey) AND I'm the daughter of a world-famous supervillain! Do not blame me for this!
Me: in a quiet voice sorry

Deleted user

Me: Hey guys. I guess these are my peeps.
Ephie: You guess? Most of your time is spend thinking about us.
Me: Yea, that's Ephi. Anyone else?
Camryn: I'm here. Maybe if it weren't for those stupid agents, my brother would be here too, instead of stuck in some government facility.
Torri: I'm Ephie's friend, and there is no way she could surivie without my help.
Ephie: That's not true!
also Ephie: Ok fine maybe it is..
Me: Ephie, that is definitely true.
Sparrow: I am surprised any of you have survived without my help. You have very odd ways of dealing with things.
Me: I suppose that's my fault…

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Me: Hey Elysee! Sparrow is half mutant (long story)! maybe you guys could talk! That means introduce yourself, Sparrow
Sparrow: Hi. Uhh. Sooooo


Elysee: Anyway… I already did… Yeah … Those guys are weird! Some strange government secret stuff… Well… Can't say! I'm not a blabbermouth!
AI-ra: That would be inaccurate. You actually talk a lot. And you have no respect for privacy. And
Elysee: and you're being turned off for today!
AI-ra: you have… no ma…. maaa..