forum Our characters talk together
Started by @wolf_girl56

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Jonathan: So this is where you have been the whole time?
Elysee: Oh! Hi dad! Quietly Damn I didn't hide well enough!
Jonathan: hide from whom?
Elysee: I have no idea what you're talking about!
Jonathan: you do know I can read minds?!
Elysee: Yeah… Ugh… That's why my childhood sucked… Couldn't get away with anything…
Jonathan: smirking You were trying to hack into the university network to rearrange their curriculum since you were bored with your classes!
Elysee: How is that something you object to?! You're a supervillain! You manipulate people's minds to make them do what you want! No wonder they named you "Spider"!
Quietly damn I want a cool supervillain name!
Jonathan: I like spiders, they are predators.
Elysee: that says so much about my family and upbringing!
Jonathan: at least we aren't dealing with demons.
Elysee: daaaaad! Catch up that's old news!
AI-ra: hello sir!
Jonathan: ohhh your robotic friend!
Elysee: she's not a friend!
Me: may I intrude?
Elysee: Noooo!
Me: …
Jonathan: Why did you give my daughter such terrible manners?
Me: crying


me: Wow! there are so many people compared to when I was last here! Welcome new characters!
Ava: What has you so happy?
Me: what has you so grumpy?
Bre: Yeah you're being weird…. or at least weirder….
Ember: She's excited about me.
Ava: Who's that?
Ember: I'm a character from her second book.

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Awesome! Okay so uhhh, I have my two main buddies, Juno and Curtis.
Curtis, leaping into the room: AAAAYE!
Juno, slowly following behind: hiya
Me: Okay, so Juno is my MC, and Curtis is his best friend. They can take it from here.
Curtis: Hi, everyone! I'm Curtis, or Curt, I'm 23, the fun one, and I definitely do NOT kill people for a living!
(Juno elbows him in the side)
Juno: I'm 22, and I do not help him hide the bodies.
(Curtis is seen laughing hysterically in the distance. He is an idiot.)
Curtis: Okay, seriously though. Juno is the good and pure one, he really doesn't help hide bodies very often.
(Juno returns from somewhere holding a grey and white cat. He is not aware of what's going on.)
Juno: …and this is Vincent's cat, Jupiter, and he is my son and I love him.
Curtis: …you know he isn't your cat, yeah? …anyway, he loves cats. And me.
Juno, flustered: you– hey, I- you're– shUT UP! … It's nice to meet you all. Sigh.

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(Curtis steps forward in a long stride to shake Erik's hand) <- oh my god that sentence is so weird for anyone who likes Creature Feature
(Juno waves from several feet away, sitting on the floor with Jupiter)
Me: Juno put the cat back, no social crutches today!
Juno, reluctantly releasing the cat and standing up: (exaggerated sigh)
Curtis takes this opportunity to shove Juno closer to everyone, wrapping an arm around his shoulders.
Curtis: HOO boy, who wants some horrifying backstories?!


Tess: Did you say hide the bodies? What do you mean hide the bodies?
Sara: It's nice to meet you. I'm Sara and this is Tess.

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Juno: oh, uhhh–
Curtis; meaning, I commit the murders, and one way or another, we dispose of the corpses. Occasionally I'll get creative, but most days I'll just take it to the dump site– I mean, a nice little secluded spot in the forest which I have turned into an unmarked graveyard. Very quaint.
(Juno smiles despite the looming fact that he is enabling a psychopath)
Curtis: Juno doesn't always approve of my… work… but he's a good friend, and dead people are much heavier than living ones. He's usually kind enough to help me carry, and afterward, he holds the flashlight! :)


Sadie: Whew, Nat why did it take you so long to get me here?
Me: Because…I was finalizing the overall plot for your guys' story and I have wasn't completely sure if I should have all four of you–
Bella: What do you mean?!??!!! You were going to take Sadie out of the group?!?!
Me: Calm down, you're all in the book.

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Curtis: Also, it's nice to meet you, Sara and Tess.
(he takes a stupidly theatrical bow, because he thinks it's "debonair," but it actually makes him look like a dork.)

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Juno: it's nice to meet you guys too, Natasha, Sadie, Bella and everyone else, hah. :)


Sadie: nods in acknowledgement towards Juno
then turns back to me, takes a deep breath, then shouts
Me: It was all for the plot development my dear. I apolgize.

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Curtis: ooh, do I hear the dead are walking among us?
(Vincent pokes his head in and is shoved out)
Juno, tapping on the keyboard: hOW dO yOu bOLd LettERS??

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Paige: trips and falls flat on her face for Caspian

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Curtis: pfft dat's me.
Juno: yo does anyone like scary movies?

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@wolf_girl56 are you still active?
(if she isn't, I would assume you can join in! :) but I won't speak for her lol)


Tara: walks over to Paige and helps her up Calm down sweet.
Me: Juno, you just put to italics beside the word you want to make bold. ** Like this ** but without the spaces. So it'll look like this: Tim Hawkins is da best!

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Juno: thank you!!
Curtis: hah, official looking now, are we?
(He is elbowed yet again.)


Bella: rolls her eyes
Natalia: Bella, enough attitude.
Jade: Yeah, leave that to Natalia, we all know she's better at it.
Natalia: 'Scuse you? puts hand over heart and pretends to be offened
Sadie: bursts out laughing