forum Our characters talk together
Started by @wolf_girl56

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Curtis: Don't worry, Juno isn't, either. Though sometimes I wonder if that's moreso because of his horrible social ability rather than just introversion. Pfft, what a nerd.
Juno, punching Curtis in the arm: Will you shut up?
Curtis: And you say I'M the violent one. Sheesh.

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Juno pulls out another cat and holds it out to Trinity

Trinity: takes the cat
Trinity: loves the cat
Trinity: I will love you as my own.

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Trinity: holds out the cat to Sara and Tess KITTY!

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Juno: Oh, I dunno. I found her in an alley chewing on a pigeon. I think I'm gonna call her Pidgey.

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Trinity: My kitty!
Me: I'm sorry, she's like a child with cats… Trinity, give the kitty back.


Saturday: hissing
Elysee: He doesn't like cats… Or any other animals… He thinks they want his food!
Saturday: grrrrr
Elysee: You're a glutton! But cute!

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Trinity: hugs Pidgey close to her chest My kitty.
Me: Trinity, it's Juno's kitty.
Trinity: My kitty.

@Rvan group

Rvan: looks at kitty from afar
Erik: Gets up and pulls Rvan over to kitty
Rvan: Tries to not look like he’s enjoying petting the kitty
Erik: Smiles Isn’t he cute?

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Juno: Trinity, you can keep the kitty if you want :)

@cupcake_pogs flash_on

Me: Uh… Hello? [peeks into the room] Nevermind… I'll just… go back to under the rock I was hiding…. [backs out of the room]
Joe: Come on, Silly! [pushes back into room]
Me: [falls and lands on butt] Ow…. [nervously looks around] O-oh the heavens… People. [quickly pushes off the floor and stands up. Brushes anything from the floor off legs.] … H-hello……

@cupcake_pogs flash_on

Me: [freezes up] What is air? [faints]
Joe: Or you can do that… Excuse me. [pulls out her phone and calls someone.] Yeah, It happened just like you said it would…. COME PICK HER UP! [ends call] My name is Joe Rivera. [holds out hand towards them] And you guys are?


Natalia: suddenly becomes sole guardian of both her younger siblings and loses her job
Bella: tries to fix everything
Darcy: is final friend in this particular friend group and simply hugs Natalia
Me: I'll let Darcy talk to y'all after their support group session is over…


Elysee: Oh! Support group! I had to go there once… They threw me out and asked me to take a break or something… They couldn't take any aggravation! Honestly…
Jonathan: … Yup, that was the first sign a psychiatrist might do you good. And I just had to ignore it…

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Me: Hey, I'm Mir, this is-
Noel: I'm Noel.
Me: Yes, that's Noel. So-
Noel: Speaking of my name, cut the Christmas crap and explain.
Me: Well, Noel, I thought it was a good name. Seeing as you're not an author-
Noel: Um, hello, poetry. Have you no respect for my little crevice of the writing world?
Me: I have lots of respect for poetry. I started my whole writing thing with poetry, remember?
Noel: No, I don't remember. Have you ever even told me that?
Me: Well, it's on my about the author page, so…
Noel: I don't read your crap, Mir.
Me: …
Me: …
Me: …
Me: …
Me: Gosh, calm down. No need to get all prickly.
Noel: Who wrote me as prickly, Mir?
Me: (Gets out of chair) that's it, I'm done. Maybe next time I use you, it'll be in a death scene. (Sucks Noel back into book)