forum Our characters talk together
Started by @wolf_girl56

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Skylar: Nice brother
Basil: blushing He's not my kid….

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Carter: sips tea people are idiots he looks around the room
Kane: just standing there laughing
asher: so my names Asher!

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Skylar: I know…they have zero class. sips frappe
Basil: He's not my brother, either, if that helps. Blushes furiously
Newt: Yeah, hi! My name's Newt and it's great to have someone to talk to. I mean, Basil is always right there, but…it's nice to have someone else to talk to. I love Basil - blushes madly I mean - well, yeah - blush grows anyway, nice to meet you…Asher?

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Carter: none of mine have any appreciation for the arts, well kane writes lyrics i suppose

Kane: hehehe is trying to stiffle his laughter

Asher: so are you guys dating? this child has zero impulse control

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Skylar: I'm the only one of our gang who actually practices the magics. All the others just go to parties and solve mysteries that aren't even…sighs they're desperate.
Basil: What are you laughing at, specifically? Face is like a tomato
Newt: Well…I guess you could call it that…but she's not what you guys call…a fling. I think I'm going to marry her when I'm older. Blushes I'm sixteen, if you couldn't tell. I'm small for my age.

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Carter: we all do magic, but me and Kane are the only ones that actualy find time to practice

Kane: Your face hahahaha looks like.. hehehe a literal apple!

Asher: That is adorable!

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Skylar: Amateurs, yes?
Basil: And why so, do you think? Is sick of being laughed at
Newt: I…guess so. My dad wrote a really famous book - Newt Scamander? And then I moved away so I wouldn't have to deal with crowds, so we've known each other for about seven years.

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Carter: them? absoluteness.

Kane: no, its funny because this is just like when me and Asher got our friends together. Onyx and Teo, they acted just like that whenever they saw eachother

Asher: well this is getting to loud, wanna go sit in the corner and read?

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Skylar: It's the same with mine.
Basil: Mm, alright. Makes sense. I'm just afraid he'll hurt himself…he's really fragile for his age…glances nervously towards Newt
Newt: Sure! What books do you have?

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Carter: when i try and teach them they just slack off he is now painting his nails sparkily green

Kane: he'll be fine with Asher, he wont hurt a fly

Asher: well i have 'Art of War', 'Grimms Fairy Tales' and some Harry Potter

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Skylar: IKR!! What color is that? What brand? shows off her own midnight blue sparkle nails from Sefora with an f cuz copyright
Basil: I hope so…
Newt: HARRY POTTER!! …Sorry…I really like books.

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Carter: Emerald City green, my own

Asher: whats your favorite one!

Kane: yeah, their probably talking about books or something

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Skylar: Niceee. How long does it last?
Newt: Probably my dad's…I have it memorized. But I do really like Harry Potter and Grimm's works.
Basil: He did always like books. Even though he's a Hunter, his house is like a library.


Me: oh good! some of my OC's can make fraaands. Kaleb! You're pretty anti-social! Go talk shoves Kaleb forward
Kaleb: Why ME? Samule it practically a hermit. make him
Me: this is true, but hes also scarier than you.
Kaleb: ……you have a valid point. sighs

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Lizzie and Houston: Oh hai. What's your name? Look at each other and burst out in giggles (they're identical twins)

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Carter: tbh bish, no freaking clue. i just made it

Asher: i like Grimms too, but my favorites would have to be any greek or italian mythology

Kane: hunter?


Kaleb: tries to shy away discreetly but gets pushed back into the fray. he glances at the twins when they speak I'm Kaleb…? What are your names?

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Robin: has been talking to Dax in the corner this entire time
Dax: this place is quite weird

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Skylar: Relatable…
Newt: Italian myths? Never heard of 'em.
Basil: Our people are divided by their skill sets.Newt and I are hunters, Skylar and Lizzie are druids, Houston is a wizard, and Oz is a cavailier.

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Carter: ye

Asher: yeah, ost of my friends are from Italy so.. i learned some stuff to make them feel more at home

Kane: strange, im a changling, Asher is a Fae, and Carter o one really knows what Carter is (other then absolutely gay) we think hes a demon of sorts

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Skylar: So I'm assuming you have social media.
Newt: That's really cool! Can you tell me some stuff?
Basil: Looks over at Carter Skylar, too. She's…a nightmare, sometimes.

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Carter: looks offended what do you take me as? a heathen?

Asher: i uh kinda dont remeber that was like 400 years ago…

Kane: You pretty much just explianed Carter

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Skylar: Sighs What's your URL?
Newt: WHAT? How old are you???????
Basil: And you Skylar.

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Carter: on insta its @CGlitters
Asher: i dunno time is weird in Fae