forum Our characters talk together
Started by @wolf_girl56

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Lizzie: Hi…Harper, was it? Pretty name. Not that I like you, you know, it's just that I think your name is pretty and I would like a name like that, perhaps I shouldn't use the word 'pretty'…
Basil: Anyways, Harper, you're welcome to join Newt, Lizzie and I in a game of cards if you want. We're going to be much calmer than everyone else here.
Newt: Huddling close to Basil with growing fear of everything around him (except Basil)

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Basil: And, um, Rvan, what about you? It might help pass the time a bit better than sitting on that bench.
Newt: Too, uhm, you know, Basil, I think there's too many peo…people….
Basil: Do you want some biscuits?
Newt: Yeah, uhm, is there the raisin-filled kind?
Basil: I don't think so. But look, you can drizzle them with honey and powdered sugar.
Newt: Yeah, uhm, can you, uh, come, come with me?
Basil: Of couse! Lizzie, see about Rvan and Harper. We need to get Newt more comfortable with social settings.
Lizzie: Sure thing!
Newt: What, what, what did you say about, you know, well, about me and s-social s-s-settings?
Basil: Nothing, love.
Newt: What
Basil: What

@Rvan group

Rvan, raises eyebrow: You want me to play cards?
Erik: Rvan, you should play. You’ll have fun.
Rvan: Meh…
Erik: Rvan! You know you’re good at cards.
Rvan: Okay… [gets up and walks over to play cards]


Elysee: I'm back. My author took me somewhere with no wifi! None! It was hell… sobbing dramatically

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Skylar: HOW DARE SHE??? If you wanna take that anger out in a game of Slapjack, feel free too. Or spoons. You could wear a metal ring and break everyone else's knuckles if you're that angry.
Houston: Me too, actually. Hope ya'll don't mind one extra.
Skylar: Of course not, mouse. Let's join Lizzie.

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Oz: Hey - hey! Where are you all going? oFF tO pLAy mY FAVorITe gaMe wItHoUt ME??
Lizzie: Oz, I know Slapjack is your favorite, but if you're going to yell and break everyone's wrists in the process, I think that maybe you should drink some water first.
Oz: Ay! This popcorn isn't half bad, and dO I LooK lIkE i'M SCreAmInG?
Lizzie: Actually…yes.
Oz: grumpy face: Can the water at least be flavored?
Lizzie: Sure thing, kid. Whatever floats your boat.

@Ana Zing

Harper: Sure. [sits down with Basil, Newt, and Rvan] Flyboy, do you know how poker works?
Icarus: [looks up from book, attempts to stand up out of wheelchair, and is shoved back in by Paige] Yes, in fact I could manage to play poker, but I have no money.
Paige: REMEMBER WHAT HAPPENED LAST TIME YOU TRIED TO STAND UP, ICARUS?! Sorry we've been absent, our author has been weird lately.

@Ana Zing

Chase: hey peeps
Meira: Why are you like this?
Kane: Why is anyone like that?
Chase: its modern culture, bro
Kane: You sound more like a wannabe youtuber and less like a super deadly silent assassin.
Meira: That is Chase. She's a walking cliche.
Meira: and that is Kane. He's also a walking cliche.
Me: and these are my interesting characters that live in antarctica.

@Rvan group

Erik: Your author has been weird? My author is taking us -actually mostly just Rvan- through flashbacks 24/7, and hasn’t been writing at all lately!
Rvan: That’s a good thing.
Erik: Why would you say that?
Rvan: I’m turning into a demon, buddy. The less writing being performed, the greater chances I’m still alive in the end of this all.

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Lizzie: Um…okay. So everyone knows how to play poker? Can we deal?
Skylar: I may or may not have regretted this decision.
Houston: Come on, Sky, be a good sport. I'll deal.

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Skylar: Are those more people? buries head in hands
Lizzie: I think so.
Oz: hEY Guys MY NamE'sS OZ

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Brandi: burst in Heelooooo random people
Kane: follows im already sorry for this
Carter: sup bishes starbucks in hand
Asher: Hiyaaaa!

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Skylar: walking over to Carter I think we're going to be good friends.
Lizzie, Basil, and Houston: walking over to Kane I think we're going to be good friends.
Newt: walks up to Asher You seem nice, can we be friends?
Oz: walks up to Brandi hI I ThINk We'LL GeT aLOnG qUItE wELL

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Carter: want some coffee?
kane: thank the stars because these people are idiots
Asher: aya a new friend!
Brandi: thAt wOUld bE nIcE yEs

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Skylar: Depends. What kind is it? I can't take dark roast - dulls my teeth. Plus, it's just disgusting.
Lizzie: I know…especially Oz, he has no idea what he's doing and I think he got high on either sharpie or oatmeal cookies this morning…come to think of it, both.
Houston: I'm just trying to play a card game, and everyone around me is dancing in a circle and rapping Eminem.
Basil: I'm worried about Newt. He's…kind of bad in social settings. These people are scaring him.
Newt: Yay! Will you go crazy? I don't like loud noises, dim lights, strobe lights, sudden movements, small spaces, or large social settings.
Oz: wHAt WoULD yOU LIke tO dO nOw moN aMI

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Carter: well i got smoothies, tea dont touch my tea and some frappes
Kane: i have to deal with all of them and then some
Asher: i dont like crazy either, and i dont like Ducks. ducks are evil
Brandi:Oui oui, mon ami, je m’appelle Lafayette

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Skylar: What kind of frappes - by the way we're gonna be great bffs
Houston: I can't even imagine the horror.
Lizzie: I'm just trying to keep everyone optimistic, humble, and, if possible, sane.
Basil: You kidding? I have to watch Newt's back all the time…he might hurt himself on accident otherwise. Too many people bigger and stronger and crazier than him…who's that guy he's standing with?
Newt: Ducks are okay. But they can hurt you. shivers Hey, could you do something for me?

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Carter: well i got vinalia mocha and caramel
Kane:oh thats Asher, hes the baby of our group

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Skylar: Gimme the caramel.
Lizzie: The baby, hm? Reminds me of someone… nudges Houston
Houston: What? Hey! I refrain Skylar from accidentally killing herself in her sassiness.
Basil: So he'll take care of Newt okay?

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Carter: here ya go bish he hands her the caramel frappe
Kane: yeah, your Newt kids going to be fine