forum Our characters talk together
Started by @wolf_girl56

people_alt 11 followers

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Aves: yeah, i was toen from my home in this underwater pocked place and then geneticly mutated to become this weird super hero thing. im just done with everything


Aves: your auther likes to couse you pain too, huh

Otis: finally getting up from his corner yep.
Me: Hey, I don't put you in that much pain!
Otis: I have anxiety attacks, Asperger's, and got hit by a frickin CAR. Not to mention you killed off my sister!

@Ana Zing

Paige: how do you play poker? because I need to do something besides tease Ic about looking like a little kid…. I'm bored.

@Ana Zing

Chase: wait a second… you use the word "confuzzled"?!?! oh my tall trees
Kane: my mute best friend/fellow orphan is very strange…
Meira: in Ana's story, I just learned that Chase prefers guys over girls?
Chase: [directs thoughts to everyone besides Meira] im a girl but she doesn't know that, so im actually straight

@Ana Zing

Chase: oh, Ana, who're Icarus, Paige, and Harper?
Me: They live in America and are fighting your great-great-eight-million-greats-grandma, Circe, who is an evil sorceress.
Chase: holy shnizballs.

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Dusk/ Me: Yo Avery! i brought your friend!
Avery: This is why i hate you

@Ana Zing

Reed: Hey, I'm Reed, I'm Ana's alternate personality, sort of, cause I'm based on her, but I'm a guy… hey, we both like guys, though.

Deleted user

Avery: Im Avery, probably the only actully good character Dusk has created
Angel: Im Angel, robably the only mentaly stable character Dusk has made