forum LGBTQA+ chat
Started by @Angel with a music box

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Yeah, so far I've got 3 main characters for my current novel Kiss Me Goodbye With A Bullet (I'll probably change the title tho) and I'm pretty proud of them

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yeah I was originally going to make my character Vajra the MC but i liked the second character i made so much she is now the MC


I'm thinking about doing the same thing, but if I made Pandora the main character of the story, there would be absolutely no happy ending whatsoever, since Pandora is absolutely insane and has violent tendencies.

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stories with sad endings can be really beautiful if written correctly.


I don't think it would turn out beautifully lol. It would be even darker than originally intended, as I would have to try to tackle writing about the struggle with schizophrenia and PTSD. And if I wasn't careful enough, I could end up giving people who have schizophrenia a really bad image (since she completely snaps at the end of the book)


Yeah lol and I'm nowhere near a professional writer, I'm only 16 so I think I'll play it safe for now. Maybe one day I'll be able to pull it off, though.

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heya, im lesbian and questioning genderwise. (either female, or demigirl. Im not sure yet. :/)

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nicd to meet you aswell.
hey I had a quick question. How should you refer to a genderfluid person if you aren't sure what gender they are at that moment? Sorry, i just want to be a good person and ally

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what does it mean when one feels like a male, female, neither or both just depeding on ones mood