forum LGBTQA+ chat
Started by @Angel with a music box

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I really like SAGA becuase it includes everyone at the same time, but LGBTQ+ works just fine aswell :)

Deleted user

eeeeeeeeeeeeeeer I prefer the term LGBT+ cuz its more recognizable

((plus my synesthesia makes the term "SAGA" way too bright for me sorry))

but as for the community itself, regardless of what you choose to call it by, has my full and undying support. Also I am a member of it sooooooo yeah.

Deleted user

yeah I wanted to ask about coming out as gay… after having called yourself a bisexual for 3 years.

But here's the thing. I realized I wasn't straight before I realized what gender I was. (im also a ftm transguy). I thought I was a girl and I thought I liked guys and maybe girls.

Then I made my social transition, and after some time I realized… I'm not actually attracted to girls.

But I've been telling people that I'm bi for years, and since me thinking I liked girls was a part of my coming out as trans, I'm a bit scared people won't believe me, or accuse me of biphobia, or something like that.

any tips?


I went through the same thing, but with me being attracted to girls only (I'm open to dating guys but I've never been attracted to one.) If anybody judges you for it, or tries to call you out on it, just calmly explain to them that exploring your sexuality and gender is a tricky thing, and you didn't know what your sexuality was at the time. If they don't get it, just drop it, it's not worth your time trying to explain something so simple to somebody so ignorant.

Deleted user

alrighty, thanks :>

I think I'm gonna wait a bit until I start telling people though.

Deleted user

do you guys have any advice on how to come out?I already told my parents and one or two friends, but I want to be more open and stuff for the next school year. any advice?


well this isn't my stick of the woods, but if I was you, I would just unleash the inner me. It's part of your behavior/self-identity meaning it's a part of you. You could probably just slowly mentioning things from the community or just ask what others make of it. Overtime people will tell other people and eventually everyone will know (People love to talk). However, not everyone needs to know, just be you boo. That's my take on it anyway


All very good advice. I just want you to remember that your safety should always be top priority. Surround yourself with supporting friends and good people. Ask teachers and/or admin about what they think and if they'll support you or not. Find safe place classrooms and areas where you feel comfortable. Always try to be the authentic you, but if your safety is on the line then please be careful my friend.

Sorry I went a bit Mom Friend there lol

Deleted user

dont worry, I go mom-friend all the time! Thankfully, I go to a pretty liberal school and most of the people there are accepting, Im just worried im going to lose friends, you know?Thanks for the advice


Well good friends wouldn't leave you because you're different to them. If they do though, just remember they are probably the biggest douche bag in the world! If you're too scared though just tell the people you feel comfortable to tell (for example; your Best Friend or community members). Just a suggestion though (I am also afraid but that's what I've been doing)


literally only found this chat like 2 secs agobut imma yeet this out there: am i the only genderqueer peep?


Depression and dysphoria
But also a strange sense of peace and joy
But still depressed
My mind is strange


yeah same
my 0/10 ultra conservative christian parents dont help either
i simply cannot wait for legal adulthood


I'm out to a couple of my friends, school psychologist and student tracker
The psychologist and student tracker are totally supportive, but my friends think I'm weird bc of it
You could say they think I'm…