forum LGBTQA+ chat
Started by @Angel with a music box

people_alt 15 followers

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how does one come out as that to Bi friend that when one tried to explain how they were feeling like a male on a certain day then a female the next they were shot down with a "dont be that person" but is otherwise a realy good friend?


Hmm… that's a good question honestly. I've personally really never had to deal with that. Although I'm also one who has a very selective friend group I know I can trust… What I would do is tell them you need to talk, and be completely honest with them. If they can't accept who you are, or can't at least see past it and still be a good friend to you, then that means that really, they were never that good to begin with, in a way. True, real friend don't care what you are, and they will fully support you through everything.

Deleted user

thanks, and its not weird to enjoy wearing dresses when you feel like a guy is it?

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my school has mostly male/female bathrooms, but there are 3 gender nuetral bathrooms, you just have to walk all the way across school to get to tyhem.


my school is hella small and has only male and female bathrooms, and the female one is all decorated and scented. I don't mind that too much but it makes me feel more like a girl and I don't really like it.

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one time i went to this like suuuper manly-man bbq place (yay, oklahoma) and they had a gender nuetral bathroom and i got so excited lol

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i went to my cousins school in texas and they had gender nutrual bathrooms and i was sooooo hapy!//

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does anyone know any good lgbt movies/shows on netflix for younger teens? (like 12-14?) thanks