forum LGBTQA+ chat
Started by @Angel with a music box

people_alt 15 followers

@Angel with a music box

People think sexuality and gender are a straight line from cause to effect, but in reality it's more like a big ball of… wibbly-wobbly….. sexy-wexy…. stuff.
This chat is for anyone and everyone who wants to talk about their identity. :)


Ok so weird question, but you know how with he/him pronouns you say sir or Mr. and with she/her pronouns you say Miss. and ma'am. What do you say for somebody who uses they/them pronouns?


Ok so weird question, but you know how with he/him pronouns you say sir or Mr. and with she/her pronouns you say Miss. and ma'am. What do you say for somebody who uses they/them pronouns?


i have a question
i identify as straight
but if like a girl or transgender person or someone like idk asked me out or something I would be like sure because why not. But does that make me pansexual or something cause I've never had the experience of dating someone the same gender and i'm confused at what I am.


well there is this term called heteroflexible. It's basically like you're mainly straight but you will veer off sometimes.

Deleted user

Opps. That was supposed to say "Mx, but it's not very widely used, unfortunately."

it sucks especily when you tell a teacher its not miss


well there is this term called heteroflexible. It's basically like you're mainly straight but you will veer off sometimes.
