Bisexual people are typically attracted to males and females only, but they don't have to be. Pansexual people can be attracted to anybody regardless of gender, however, they might still have gender preferences (they might like non binary people more than cis people, girls more than boys, etc)
Yeah, maybe
But right now I'm just kind of comfortable where I am
So I'll just stick with she/her until I figure things out :)
And I have absolutely no idea on my sexuality/romantic identity, might be aro/ace but might not
Why do Bisexuals get so much crap from the community? like seriously, way to make me feel even less accepted in society. TBH I used to think they were desperate too but now I am so confused because I might be Bi and I hate that cause maybe I am just desperate but at the same time I can't stop the feelings. Being a grey ace doesn't help either cause now I can't even determine which one I am more sexually attracted to.
You're not desperate. That's a common misconception about bisexual people. Just take your time to figure out your sexuality, or just don't worry about it at all, you don't really have to label yourself.
Awww, thanks! BTW I LOVE your username!
Well it's pretty early where I live
Yeah, it's pretty late where I live
what acronym do you use for the community?
Either LGBT or SAGA (sexuality and gender acceptance)
Yeah, I've heard of SAGA. Personally I like LGBTTQQIAAP but it's kinda long in some situations so I just say 'the community' or 'LGBTQ+ community'. SAGA is a pretty cool acronym.
Just curious, what are your opinions on what the q in the LGBTQ acronym stands for: queer or questioning?
For the longest time I thought it was for questioning but recently I heard people use queer for it so now I just say both. I think there might also be two q's to solve the issue but I could be wrong
Personally, I think it means Queer. What about you?
I agree. A lot of people think it means questioning, which I’m not against, per say, but I think queer fits better. It is both an identity and a term to describe the whole community, so I think it works well.
Yeah, I get it cause like in the acronym it's mostly about sexual orientation and less of gender identity so Questioning kinda balances it a little bit
A little off topic but do any of you know what a soulmate RP is?
Yeah… I'm pretty sure it's queer but it would also be nice to have a questioning if it doesn't already. Cuz I feel if people are unsure of who they are, they still wanna be welcomed and feel like they belong somewhere as a start for their journey of self-discovery. Kinda like that I guess…
Like someone said before in the comments, there should be two q’s, if there aren’t already, so there’s one for each.