forum LGBTQA+ chat
Started by @Angel with a music box

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@Angel with a music box

Oof yeah, my gender is kind of confusing for me
It really reminds me of how I felt discovering I was ace. I didn't feel any sexual attraction, and right now I'm not really feeling the whole boy/girl thing
Don't really feel like a girl, don't feel like a boy
I don't know, I'm not really that worried about it, so I think I'll just let it be for now lol

@Angel with a music box

Yeah. Recovery can also put you through immense pain too, apparently. I just recently watched Ash Hardell's top surgery video.

Oh, I love Ash! They're so sweet and inspiring

@Angel with a music box

I think Ash's pronouns are he/him? Not sure tho

Hmm, well I've seen a video where they say that they don't like masculine pronouns, and sometimes use she/her I think
I don't know, I'll just stick with they/them


Pansexuals are attracted to people regardless of gender; bisexuals are attracted to two or more genders

Example: A Bisexual person might be attracted to just male and female people, while a pansexual person might be attracted to male, female, non-binary, and trans people.

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Pansexual is when you like people regardless of gender,
Bisexual is when you like two or more genders.
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