forum LGBTQA+ chat
Started by @Angel with a music box

people_alt 15 followers


That's so cool! do you have that wrong mom mix up? I think so, I know they voted yes for same-sex marriage but I just don't want to tell them until I actually know what I am.


Haha, yep! It happens ALL The TIME! If they voted yes on same sex marriage, then I think ur good to tell them, when u feel comfortable. What do u think u are?


Well I was talking to my friend the other day and they reckon I'm Bi, I don't really want to be Bi though so… what I do know though, is that I like the same-sex (cause like all my crushes were on them) and I also know I'm a grey asexual (that's not too bad cause that just means I don't like sex)


Cool. I’m lesbian. You said u don’t want to be bi, are you attracted to the opposite gender? (Sorry if I’m prying. If this is personal, u don’t have to answer)


No it's fine.

I am less attracted to the opposite than the same, I lean towards the same-sex (I know that you can like favor a gender if your pan or Bi). I just don't like the fact that I am attracted to both genders, it's hard to accept. It's not like I would ever cheat on someone with the other gender or anything like that. But Bi kinda has this reputation and I don't want to loose the trust in my relationship because of my title.


Oh, I get it. The superstition and bad reputation sorounding bisexuality has to be pretty hard to put up with. But if someone doesn’t want a relationship with you cause your bi, then they don’t deserve you. Their a biphobic idiot.


It's weird cause Pansexuals don't have that reputation, they just don't get represented well. So I would rather be Pan than Bi


Yeah……..good point. The problem is, we don’t get to choose. It would be so much easier if we could just be ourselves, without worrying about stigma around certain identities.