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Started by @Angel with a music box

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@SaltyLasagna I really hate that it's that way. I can't stand stupid or overly personal questions. Like, would you ask George in accounting how he has sex with his wife? I'm setting this story in the future, so I'm making it a bit more normalized, but this information is great, because we all know it's not going to just disappear. I didn't really think about the violence in it, but it would actually add an level to the story if I mixed it in there.
@"Red, A Resentful Cockroach"
@"Cookie Dough" Thank You both for letting me know.


I ship Sastiel (Sam Winchester, and Castiel)
Ten and Rose (from doctor who)
And Johnlock (Sherlock and John)
Because that's the nerd I am

TEN AND ROOSSSEE! (also I ship Destiel more but Sastiel isn't bad)

@Angel with a music box

I ship Sastiel (Sam Winchester, and Castiel)
Ten and Rose (from doctor who)
And Johnlock (Sherlock and John)
Because that's the nerd I am

TEN AND ROOSSSEE! (also I ship Destiel more but Sastiel isn't bad)

I know right??? Ten and Rose kill me every time
(I like Destiel too, but sastiel's just my jam)

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Johnlock, is a big yes, potentially Sherlolly as a last resort. (BBCs Sherlock)

Ten/Rose, not really I was always more of a Doctor/Master shipper, with all incarnations to their respective Time Lord partner, especially 5/Ainley, 3/Delgado, 10/Simm, both of the Shalka incarnations as a ship since it's technically possible and highly likely, so sad Shalka was deemed Non-Canon, 8/Roberts and last but not least 12/Missy. 11/River Song for sure, I'm very supportive of Janto (Jack/Ianto) and Tosh/Owen. (These are most of my Doctor Who ships, including the spin-offs)

Lobsusan (Susan/Lobsang), Carrot/Angua, Jeremy/Unity (Not technically possible as Jeremy is no longer Jeremy (It's hard to explain….) and Unity (Also known as Myria LeJean) is dead.), Vimes/Paperwork (Just kidding, he belongs with Sybil. She's the one that gets him away from his paperwork.) and Vetinari/I have no idea as of yet. (My Discworld ships.)

Okay, those are most ships from my main two fandoms. (Currently, and I'm not counting Call The Midwife because Chummy/Noakes was really the only ship I had supported, which became canon, obviously. As for Sherlock, I'm a fan but not really that into it right now, mainly just hoping for a season 5 and that's it. But I have many more ships from other fandoms as well that I haven't listed here because I'm currently a little bit busy, lol)


daaang those are a lot of ships lol. I only have a few ships, my number one being Klance, Malec right behind it, Plance, Punk, and TenRose

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Honestly, imagine being paid to kiss David Tennant
I mean?????

Yeah, or being paid to kiss Pearl Mackie (Who played Bill Potts. V. jealous of the actress who played Heather from The Pilot and later appeared in The Doctor Falls, wish I could have snogged Bill cuz' she's so adorable and badass and adsklfjsjrn I can't even I just think Bill is an amazing woman of power and all that jazz and I hope she makes an appearance later on in the show at some point and I'm probably fangirling too much sorry lol) but I would also probably kiss Tennant if I could, yeah.