forum LGBTQA+ chat
Started by @Angel with a music box

people_alt 15 followers


nggh im like the opposite
im out to my therapist and my friends
friendsare 10/10 supportive, plus one of them alsorecently came out to me aswell, yet my therapist seems a little iffy abt it


Oh nice
My friends are mostly Christian, raised in conservative Idaho so it's expected
That doesn't make it hurt any less tho


yeah :/
half of me just wants to announce it to everyone and stop caring but the half is like "nooooo bc then you'll die(socially) and everyone will hate you"
idk conflict makes me sad
but hey, atleast i have internet lol


Same lol
I mean.. I think most of my school wouldn't really care
There's this gal that's out as transgender, and everyone's totally cool w it
But I don't have a social life and most ppl ignore me anyways so if they did care it wouldn't matter :P


oof im at an all-christian school that got like 100 students in total
I probs wouldnt get like bullied but it would suck anyway bc literally everyone thinks im weird anyway
not to mention this one kid who's like the classic example of the homophobic blond dude you see in teen fictions
i sorta wanna punch him sometimes tbh


im 99% convinced that theres gotta be more than just 2 queer kids out of 100 tho
so yeet here's to hoping


Haha i wish
but i'd get expelled immediately
they've already got me on this watchlist so if i screw up i get kicked out


I'm writing!
…An assignment for school.
Cause yeah, that's a thing
And I have very little free time and even less motivation.


Same here but mine is kinda dark and depressing so I don't think I'd ever attempt to publish it and probably wouldn't let many people read it lol

Deleted user

Im trying to write a fantasy novel and rn it just seems so daunting.


Yeah I tried to do that but I had to take a break bc organizing all the different types of magic and species was too much, and the plot is all over the place so I have to come back to it later.

Deleted user

what even is a plot i dont even have the 7 main characters yet


Lol I just make up characters as I go tbh. Like I get the main 1-3 characters created and then I just make up random important people as I write.