forum LGBTQA+ chat
Started by @Angel with a music box

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What's your perfect date like?

The perfect date is something that isn't at all formal. Where I can spend time with somebody and be 100% comfortable with them. So preferably just hanging out at mine/their house and watching TV/playing video games, or going out to eat at somewhere not too formal, or just going for a walk. Going to the movies is pretty nice too, if it's with the right person. Last time I went out on a date at the movies though, my date made me super uncomfortable…


What's your perfect date like?

My perfect date is something that isn't at all formal. Where I can spend time with somebody and be 100% comfortable with them. So preferably just hanging out at mine/their house and watching TV/playing video games, or going out to eat at somewhere not too formal, or just going for a walk. Going to the movies is pretty nice too, if it's with the right person. Last time I went out on a date at the movies though, my date made me super uncomfortable…

Deleted user

I have never been on a date before in my life. I just never have the time, and I prefer to get to know a person pretty well before I'd even think about going out with them either way. That and the fact that I'm an antisocial potato and prefer to binge watch Call The Midwife rather than go out and interact with other humans.


I can relate lol. I wish I could go out more, but my parents always want me to watch my baby brother, Kai, so I don't get to do much.


I never went on a date, but more because I'm not intrested than because I have no time. And I'm really bad at smal talk, so…


What's your perfect date like?

There must be good food
And no awkward silence
Idk anything else lol
But it has to be unique, not something like the movies or fancy restaurants


Yeah lol. Awkward dates are the worst. I remember I once went on a date with a guy, and he kept making weed jokes and making fun of me when I got scared and jumped at loud noises


Don't know if its okay to ask this here, but it seems like the chat doesn't have an official parameter. Anyway, I'm straight and I am going to be adding in a couple lesbian characters into the story. They are going to have partial spotlight, but won't be the overall main characters. I was wondering if there was anything that lesbians would like to see as far as relationships go. I know that you have different struggles than the typical boy/girl couples. I've tried talking to a few people, but they were straight and basically offered up generic anime/fanfiction crap that was horrible.


Well, lesbians are normal people. They have their ups and downs when they're with someone, just like straight people do. Here are some things I notice that I struggle with though.

  • Everybody asks "who's the man and who's the woman?". Nobody. We are both women. That's how a lesbian relationship works. Sure, one might have more masculine/feminine tendencies, but not always.
  • "You don't look like a lesbian." I'm sorry, what? I didn't know I was required to have a certain look to be a certified lesbian.
  • "How do you even have sex?" Stop. Just stop asking this. It's none of your business. And if you really want to know, just google it.
  • We have to deal with a lot of bad looks and judgement. Some people are even rude enough to say something about our sexuality on the street, or when we're out to eat, etc.
  • We aren't accepted in a lot of churches for our sexuality. Believe it or not, there are a lot of gay religious people out there. However, a lot of religions are unaccepting of gay people, and it makes things a lot harder for us.
  • We deal with violence and threats constantly. Online and in real life. The amount of violence and threats varies depending where you live, but you can never completely escape it.
  • People will automatically assume your political views if you are gay.
  • It's a lot harder to get a job if you're open about your sexuality. Especially as a teacher.

@Angel with a music box

We're constantly facing all this discrimination, being attacked from all sides. We're some of the strongest people out there because of it, yet they call us "Overly sensitive," and "special snowflakes"
That is seriously not fair in my opinion


We're constantly facing all this discrimination, being attacked from all sides. We're some of the strongest people out there because of it, yet they call us "Overly sensitive," and "special snowflakes"
That is seriously not fair in my opinion

as a certified lesbian, I can confirm this