forum LGBTQA+ chat
Started by @Angel with a music box

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@Angel with a music box

i have a question
i identify as straight
but if like a girl or transgender person or someone like idk asked me out or something I would be like sure because why not. But does that make me pansexual or something cause I've never had the experience of dating someone the same gender and i'm confused at what I am.

Well hon, since you're questioning I would just advise you to take your time
You don't have to have everything figured out right now
But if you do really want to know, just do some research and try to find what fits best for you :)


i have a question
i identify as straight
but if like a girl or transgender person or someone like idk asked me out or something I would be like sure because why not. But does that make me pansexual or something cause I've never had the experience of dating someone the same gender and i'm confused at what I am.

Well hon, since you're questioning I would just advise you to take your time
You don't have to have everything figured out right now
But if you do really want to know, just do some research and try to find what fits best for you :)

thanks i mean im young I don't need it figured out just quite yet

@Angel with a music box

I think the thing you need to remember is that everything has the possibility to change. You could maybe think you're bi or pan, and then turn out to be something completely different. That's perfectly fine! We're all young and just trying to figure things out, we're all growing up, and things are gonna change along the way
(Sorry for the dramatic rambling lol) :)

Deleted user

I have been summoned by the play on a Doctor Who quote! Hi, I'm shy, bi, and about to cry, don't ask why.


People think sexuality and gender are a straight line from cause to effect, but in reality it's more like a big ball of… wibbly-wobbly….. sexy-wexy…. stuff.
This chat is for anyone and everyone who wants to talk about their identity. :)

s e x y w e x y


I am a non binary pal (maybe genderfluid since my dysphoria seems to appear then magically disappear????)
as for sexuality I have no fucking clue


lmao when I got mine I flaunted it to my parents just to piss them off and they didn't talk to me for like a week. It hardly fits me anymore though so I can't wear it more than once a week for more than like an hour or I'll start to get really bad bruises and I'll be super dizzy bc I can hardly breathe

Deleted user

Okay, this is probably a stupid question but what's a binder?