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Good to know. I shall remember your love of a good debate for a later date.
I agree. As I said, I don't put much stock into love. But moving on. . . I hope life has been treating you well, amica.

@RhysTheFirebird group

Good to know. I shall remember your love of a good debate for a later date.
I agree. As I said, I don't put much stock into love. But moving on. . . I hope life has been treating you well, amica.

It’s doing ok. It’s life, you know?
Been busy lately, so coming here at the end of the day to just write is always nice.

Deleted user

I understand that. I come here at night when I work to distract myself from the lonliness of my own company.

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Fantasy. Gothic fiction. It depends on what mood I am in. Imaginatio in tenebris maxime operatur.

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CST. . . I'm currently out of America myself. It's currently 2:51 here.

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Not necessarily. My job requires me to be up this late.

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I did it all the time when I was younger. I would stay up for hours reading or simply watching the moon.

@larcenistarsonist group

(hi guys, hate to interrupt but could you possibly take this to a different general chat or a pm? nothing against you guys, but my notifs are getting flooded from this conversation. Welcome to notebook Visio! I'm glad to see you here! :D)


HI there, everyone! You can all call me Anti-Chicken. (I'm not actually against chickens, I'm just not a chicken. *nervous sweat *)