forum ✨dRaMaTiC✨ Insults, Power of the Chancla, Eldritch Beings, Old Rivalries, Chicken Chaos, Large Fonts, and Cheesecake: The Saga of the Chicken Part 3: Tokyo Drift (CLOSED)
Started by @Morals-are-for-mortals language

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@the-void-phantasmic language

Trying to make a character page, and WOW I'm beginning to realize that I have no idea what fields to put in

breakdances slay bestie

Yeah- I realized that I never really put their profiles on notebook, so for convenience sake, that's what I'm doing now
Debating on artbreedering something for Tomma's profile, maybe, maybe not

Artbreedering is not a word I thought I would hear like ever

@im-with-stoopid pets

Trying to make a character page, and WOW I'm beginning to realize that I have no idea what fields to put in

All of them. Every single detail. And then you ignore half of them but they’re just nice to have you know

Alternatively you could hypothetically ✨use them all✨ 😱😱😱

Cannot wait to bring my story to a screeching halt to go on a five-paragraph rant about how impossibly green Tomma's eyes are

@the-void-phantasmic language

Trying to make a character page, and WOW I'm beginning to realize that I have no idea what fields to put in

All of them. Every single detail. And then you ignore half of them but they’re just nice to have you know

Alternatively you could hypothetically ✨use them all✨ 😱😱😱

Cannot wait to bring my story to a screeching halt to go on a five-paragraph rant about how impossibly green Tomma's eyes are

dramatic reverb effect g r e n .

@im-with-stoopid pets

Trying to make a character page, and WOW I'm beginning to realize that I have no idea what fields to put in

breakdances slay bestie

Yeah- I realized that I never really put their profiles on notebook, so for convenience sake, that's what I'm doing now
Debating on artbreedering something for Tomma's profile, maybe, maybe not

Artbreedering is not a word I thought I would hear like ever

Turning nouns into verbs is just another wacky part of the English language

@Morals-are-for-mortals language

Trying to make a character page, and WOW I'm beginning to realize that I have no idea what fields to put in

All of them. Every single detail. And then you ignore half of them but they’re just nice to have you know

Alternatively you could hypothetically ✨use them all✨ 😱😱😱

No ❤️ I just like looking at all the sections neat and laid out

@FRANKtheTritoposaur group



What happened?

Ok so I have 2 rlly close friends (I've had crushes on both of them) ans they're dating rn. So the girl, I'll call her Kate, thinks she's losing feeling s for the guy, calling him elliot(who I currently have a crush on. And I've had this crush for a YEARR)). And Elliot has been feeling like the relationship was bad for MONTHS.

I'm really close with both of them so they both come to talk to me about their problems and stuff. A couple days ago Kate told me that she thinks she lost feelings and has been ignoring Elliot. I promised not to say anything

Today I was talking to Elliot (it's 1 am so the convo got weird) and I made a joke about stealing his girl and he started talking abt how Kate is rlly distant. So I said we talked but bros before hoes and ur a Hoe so I can't tell you.

And he's gonna probably break up w her tmw!! I'm a horrible personn

@False-andrew flash_on



What happened?

Ok so I have 2 rlly close friends (I've had crushes on both of them) ans they're dating rn. So the girl, I'll call her Kate, thinks she's losing feeling s for the guy, calling him elliot(who I currently have a crush on. And I've had this crush for a YEARR)). And Elliot has been feeling like the relationship was bad for MONTHS.

I'm really close with both of them so they both come to talk to me about their problems and stuff. A couple days ago Kate told me that she thinks she lost feelings and has been ignoring Elliot. I promised not to say anything

Today I was talking to Elliot (it's 1 am so the convo got weird) and I made a joke about stealing his girl and he started talking abt how Kate is rlly distant. So I said we talked but bros before hoes and ur a Hoe so I can't tell you.

And he's gonna probably break up w her tmw!! I'm a horrible personn

This isnt on you kiddo. From my understanding, the relationship was doomed whether you were in the picture or not. Thats just relationships, especially in hs

@FRANKtheTritoposaur group



What happened?

Ok so I have 2 rlly close friends (I've had crushes on both of them) ans they're dating rn. So the girl, I'll call her Kate, thinks she's losing feeling s for the guy, calling him elliot(who I currently have a crush on. And I've had this crush for a YEARR)). And Elliot has been feeling like the relationship was bad for MONTHS.

I'm really close with both of them so they both come to talk to me about their problems and stuff. A couple days ago Kate told me that she thinks she lost feelings and has been ignoring Elliot. I promised not to say anything

Today I was talking to Elliot (it's 1 am so the convo got weird) and I made a joke about stealing his girl and he started talking abt how Kate is rlly distant. So I said we talked but bros before hoes and ur a Hoe so I can't tell you.

And he's gonna probably break up w her tmw!! I'm a horrible personn

This isnt on you kiddo. From my understanding, the relationship was doomed whether you were in the picture or not. Thats just relationships, especially in hs


Deleted user

Gemma what the ✨fuck✨ did you do this time (with all the love in my heart ofc)

I'm joining the Navy 😄

Good luck 👍

@im-with-stoopid pets

I wish my body's response to being sick was NOT crumpling like a Lego Death Star thrown off a second-story balcony.
Legit I can't even put into words how I feel. You know how in the old airhead commercials anyone who ate one would have a balloon head? That's how I feel. Like a balloon. Like a brain floating in a jar of Jell-O. My brain feels wiggly and loose, and I don't like it.

@the-void-phantasmic language

I wish my body's response to being sick was NOT crumpling like a Lego Death Star thrown off a second-story balcony.
Legit I can't even put into words how I feel. You know how in the old airhead commercials anyone who ate one would have a balloon head? That's how I feel. Like a balloon. Like a brain floating in a jar of Jell-O. My brain feels wiggly and loose, and I don't like it.

throws a plushie at you