forum ✨dRaMaTiC✨ Insults, Power of the Chancla, Eldritch Beings, Old Rivalries, Chicken Chaos, Large Fonts, and Cheesecake: The Saga of the Chicken Part 3: Tokyo Drift (CLOSED)
Started by @Morals-are-for-mortals language

people_alt 111 followers

@Morals-are-for-mortals language

Well, I have two main ones.

  1. It got a bit boring. People don’t talk as much, etc.

  2. I believe they know both chicken and Axolotl in real life. I’m not going to make assumptions that this is what happened, but yk. I think you get the idea.

Someone might have the answer, or maybe no one does. But don’t consider this post an answer because I have no idea. These are just guesses.

Deleted user

Well, I have two main ones.

  1. It got a bit boring. People don’t talk as much, etc.

  2. I believe they know both chicken and Axolotl in real life. I’m not going to make assumptions that this is what happened, but yk. I think you get the idea.

Someone might have the answer, or maybe no one does. But don’t consider this post an answer because I have no idea. These are just guesses.

The fact they deleted it suggests either 2 or a angsty third option, since if it was just boring they could've just stopped coming ontot the site. They didn't technically need to delete the account if it was just option 1

Deleted user

do you guys think you'll still be here on notebook like, 3 years later?

@im-with-stoopid pets

do you guys think you'll still be here on notebook like, 3 years later?

Assuming my schedule doesn't get in the way, hopefully yeah
I tend to have month-long fixations on new sites and then promptly forget that it exists, but I've been here for this long

@the-void-phantasmic language

do you guys think you'll still be here on notebook like, 3 years later?

Most likely, unless my parents find out before then, which is unlikely since I’m good at hiding shit. Strict parents raise sneaky kids lol

@FRANKtheTritoposaur group

do you guys think you'll still be here on notebook like, 3 years later?

Most likely, unless my parents find out before then, which is unlikely since I’m good at hiding shit. Strict parents raise sneaky kids lol

Same here. Even if they find it for me I can just make a new account On my school puter

Deleted user

Why is being on notebook a criminal activity for you guys?

@im-with-stoopid pets

Why is being on notebook a criminal activity for you guys?

Because strict parents watch one episode of To Catch a Predator and immediately assume that their children/teens are idiots who'd give out their home address for 15 NeoPet tokens
Seriously the amount of times I've had the "you don't know who's on the internet" speech vomited at me growing up because I had the audacity to send a text to someone without having their name, date of birth, home address, email, and fax in my contacts is insane

@Eli-the-transboi group

Why is being on notebook a criminal activity for you guys?

Because strict parents watch one episode of To Catch a Predator and immediately assume that their children/teens are idiots who'd give out their home address for 15 NeoPet tokens
Seriously the amount of times I've had the "you don't know who's on the internet" speech vomited at me growing up because I had the audacity to send a text to someone without having their name, date of birth, home address, email, and fax in my contacts is insane


@just_gabs_needs_coffee group

Honestly my folks weren’t thrilled but they know I’m careful lol
Plus I’m an adult now so they won’t tell me not to, ig

But yeah I’ll prolly be here for a long time, even if I’m not on the chats much at some point I got too much stuff to save lol