forum ✨dRaMaTiC✨ Insults, Power of the Chancla, Eldritch Beings, Old Rivalries, Chicken Chaos, Large Fonts, and Cheesecake: The Saga of the Chicken Part 3: Tokyo Drift (CLOSED)
Started by @Morals-are-for-mortals language

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@EldritchHorror-Davadio health_and_safety emoji_events

Squeaky friend brings more materials and builds a hut around the fountain with several tables everywhere for offerings. Then abruptly puts on a clergyman’s cloak with a large piece of skittles on it. The Shrine to the Great Skittles!

hissing sibilantly, while a second voice echoes the words in a deep rumble This is acceptable…

Yeah! Hurries off to find buildings materials… Comes back with an elaborately carved stone fountain and another bag of infinite skittles. Proceeds to arrange the skittles in it, so that the fountain is pouring skittles. Disapears to grab more building materials…

What- Can we eat them or-

quiet chuckle Also, the children may eat of the fruit of the fountain. There is enough for all… Taste the Rainbow…

@EldritchHorror-Davadio health_and_safety emoji_events

a much thicker, slower, rainbow colored tentacle slowly slithers out and gently takes the bag, accepting your offering
whispered Can I help you, child?

Hug plz

several tentacles reach from the shadows and offer a hug

squeals and hugs yay ^^

tentacles wrap you in coils that squeeze just enough to be comfortable. While they look slimy, the hug they offer is warm and and dry

@Eli-the-transboi group

a much thicker, slower, rainbow colored tentacle slowly slithers out and gently takes the bag, accepting your offering
whispered Can I help you, child?

Hug plz

several tentacles reach from the shadows and offer a hug

squeals and hugs yay ^^

tentacles wrap you in coils that squeeze just enough to be comfortable. While they look slimy, the hug they offer is warm and and dry


@Serpentess health_and_safety language

hissing sibilantly, while a second voice echoes the words in a deep rumble This is acceptable…

Priestess Squeaky bows, I am glad it pleases you, Oh Great Skittles!

more sibilant rumbling Priestess Squeaky…
Petition to add this title to her names in the first post

(Oh fuck… Not expecting that at all, lmao!)

Priestess Squeaky cheers, then bows again. Then, pulls out another endless bag of skittles and sets it on a table as an offering…

@Null-Gravity language

Urghhhhhhh. . . mistakes have been made but I regret none of them. I lie belly up on the floor

What happened?

I ate all of the food my mom made. All of it. All the mashed potatos (of which there was 3 pounds. Ate a solid two by myself.) Most of the gravy went on the potatos. And there were several large chicken legs.

All of it. Gone. I stare at my hands and contemplate my life

@Eli-the-transboi group

Urghhhhhhh. . . mistakes have been made but I regret none of them. I lie belly up on the floor

What happened?

I ate all of the food my mom made. All of it. All the mashed potatos (of which there was 3 pounds. Ate a solid two by myself.) Most of the gravy went on the potatos. And there were several large chicken legs.

All of it. Gone. I stare at my hands and contemplate my life

Oooo. At least you’re full!

@Null-Gravity language

Urghhhhhhh. . . mistakes have been made but I regret none of them. I lie belly up on the floor

What happened?

I ate all of the food my mom made. All of it. All the mashed potatos (of which there was 3 pounds. Ate a solid two by myself.) Most of the gravy went on the potatos. And there were several large chicken legs.

All of it. Gone. I stare at my hands and contemplate my life

Oooo. At least you’re full!

That's the worst part.

I'm not.